Chapter Nine: ~ Tension

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The room literally burned with tension and anticipation, I couldn't tell if the others were happy about my capture or scared that our captivator was lashing out. He left our door open, so we could see him walk back and forth with new objects every time. Pens, paper, hammers, and a tool box. Then he started carrying the metal doors one by one. I could hear him working on a door now, drilling. He was probably drilling screws into the wall so the door was attached to the wall. The whole time, everyone was silent. No one spoke a word, not even Katie or Darren. We exchanged a few glances, but I couldn't read what was in their eyes. I was in the middle between Darren and Katie, and Darren hardly moved his head towards me and whispered.

"We'll talk later." He said, and Katie and I both gave barely noticeable nods of acknowledgement. We weren't in the same room with Katie, but there had to be some way of communication. Finally, our captivator came into our room.

"You're first, princess." He said to me with another sadistic tone, except, this time it seemed more sadomasochist. He hand cuffed me and Darren, also tying them together. They were really tight, and he also took our chains off but then immediately attached them to him. He then carried us to our new room and threw us on the floor, quickly unlocking all the locks and leaving, shutting the metal door and locking it. The first thing we did was look around the room, mainly empty. All except for a pen, a hammer, and a small pile of paper in the middle of the room. I looked back at the metal door, and then realized that it had a small opening, almost like a dog door, that you could put food through. So we wouldn't be able to use it on him. I know we wouldn't be able to break the walls with it, because it would simply just take ages. I kept on looking at the items on the, tryjng to figure things out. Did he want us to write diaries like he did? If so, why the hammer? I knew everything had a reason though, it had to.

"I don't understand." Darren finally murmured silently, and I looked up at him instead of studying the hammer.

"Don't understand what?" I asked, he wasn't looking at me directly, but he seemed more in a questioning daze than a negative daze.

"All of this. Why didn't he give you a worse punishment when you escaped? Why is he making us do all this? Why did he put that hammer with us? He just doesn't make sense." Darren told me, chuckling a bit. "That's a psychopath for you."

"No." I replied, shaking my head. "It's not that simple. I have a pretty good explanation for why he's like this, and everything he does has a reason. Even the hammer, and why he didn't give me a punishment really. It's actually quite the opposite, people like him are dangerous. They're precise, and nothing holds them back from what they want. Ever heard the phrase, 'one step ahead of me'? With people like him, he's five steps ahead."

"Tell me what happened." He said slowly, trying to comprehend what everything meant.

"Well, there's a lot. When I escaped, I found a book. It was some sort of diary, and it had to be his. By reading some of it, it seems like he was just a normal kid like us until he was captired by some other psychopath. He ended up having to do a bunch of horrible stuff, and I think it got to him. It messed with his head, making him who he is now. In the diary he also had plans for the trials, but I didn't get to read it. He was coming so I hid and put it where I found it. I didn't want to risk him knowing I was in the same room. When the coast was clear, he had taken the book. But that isn't everything. I think the hammer, papers, and pen, all have meaning. We obviously can't use the hammer to break the walls or attack him, so what other option is there? Attack each other, of course. But everyone knows how he said if any of us kill each other that that perso would be punished, so no one is actually going to attack. It's to make tension, because why would he put the hammer if he said not to kill? He's messing with us, as for the papers and pen I think he wants us to write a diary. Maybe to find our weaknesses, or maybe so we turn out like him." I concluded, and he nodded his head thoughtfully.

"What else happened when you were escaping? What was it like?" He said, pushing more questions.

"Scary as Hell, there were so many times I thought I was going to be caught, but I wasn't. I got caught when I made it outside." I told him, trying to not live the memory again.

"What was it like?" He asked, his eyes dialating and I saw a sense of nostalgia and memory in them. We have been cooped up here a lot. I had continued to tell my story when he suddenly interrupted me.

"Quiet. Listen." He said, and we both kept silent. There was no noise at first, but then it sounded like a body was slammed on the ground. It came from the room next to us. We kept straining to hear, and eventually pressed our ears against the walls to hear better.

"Sick! This wall is wet!" He exclaimed quietly, leaping back a bit. I crawled over to him, and observed the wall. Then, an idea sprung up on me. I went over and grabbed the hammer and started pressing on the part of the wall a bit.

"What are you doing?" He looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"This wall isn't just wet, it's also extremely damaged. Maybe we can make a small hole." I said quietly, focusing my pressure as gently as possible to create a small hole, I didn't want to make it to big. Just big enough so we could see through the other room. The noises were still going on in the room, and they seemed to stop when I made a small peep hole. It wasn't even noticeable, not unless you tried looking for it. It was so small I could barely see, but I saw two figures in the room next door. A male and female.

"I've got a hole." I whispered lightly to Darren and went back looking through the small hole.

"What do you see?" He whispered just as quietly as I made out the boy sitting in the corner of the room. He looked like he had been punched, and was hunched over in anger and fear. It looked like the boy Katie was paired up with.

"I think this is Katies room." I said excitedly as I tried looking for Katie in the room, but I had no luck.

"Can you see her?" He inquired as I focused my vision harder, where the Hell was she?

"No." I murmured, confused. I didn't see her at all, and then all of the sudden, something in the room was blocking my view. I was shocked at first, but then I realized it was Katie's shirt. She must've been pressed up against the wall and that's why I couldn't see her. Then she switched positions a bit and covered up the hole. It makes sense.

"Shes covering up the hole." I told Darren, thinking of a way to contact her without that boy knowing.

"What do you think was going on in there?" He said, keeping his voice low.

"I didn't see the hammer in the middle of the room, just the pie of paper and pen. The boy also looked like he was in a fight, and looked upset. I think they fought over the hammer, I know Katie wouldn't let her guard down." I explained and he nodded his head.

"Why don't we talk to her by sending each other notes through the wall?" He proposed, and an idea lit up in my head.

"Perfect idea!" I squealed a bit and looked back through the hole, she was still over the hole. Perfect.

"What are you doing?" Darren asked confused, probably watching me.

"Watch." I said, and began to speak so softly only Katie could hear me through the wall and hole. "Katie. Don't speak a word or move. It's vital. Don't even act like you can hear my voice, but listen to me. Darren and I are in the room next to you, and we've managed to make a small hole. We obviously can't talk because of that boy, but we can message each other with the paper and pen. Do not let the boy know you have any communication with us, he can't be trusted. When he doesn't notice, or when he's asleep, slip us a piece of paper through the hole with your message. Move to the side a bit so we can see through the hole, so we know when he's asleep. Also, we'll have to eat our messages so no one finds them. I'll send the first message when he's asleep." I finished, and she moved. Perfect. I told Darren what had happened, explaining to get the messages ready for Katie when the boy fell asleep. It didn't take long before he was curled up in a ball in the corner.

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