Told her

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Yoona's POV

"This is interesting.." I said while munching on something sweet

"But it's so bitter together" I was licking it until it fell

"Ohh.... Miss can I ask where is the janitor? I kinda dropped my ice cream" She just nodded and called someone

"Honey!! Come over here and clean this up" H-honey? Wut duh...

"Oh sure" Then he started cleaning up

"Are you two together? That's so sweet of you miss to call him honey" I said while smiling

"Uhmm his name is Honey" Oh.... Oh I get it

"M-mianhe... I thought you two are together, I'm really really sorry about that maam.. Sir" I bowed

90° bow it is

"Oh uhm it's alright sweety, we often called being lovey dovey couple but I'm married so it's alright I got used to it" The nurse said while smiling to me

"And I don't know why mother named me Honey" I just giggled

"Oh I'll get going, my brother will pick me up"

Then I said goodbye and bowed to them.... Again

Then I walked towards the exit when I saw hyung........ With someone

"Yoongi hyung!" I shouted so he could hear me

"Yoona-ah why didn't you attend class yesterday? You made me-- I mean us worry" Say what....

"Why? Do you care? As if you do... Let's just go"

I walked towards hyung's car and sat on the back

"Ep ep ep! You sit with him Taehyung, I'll sit here alone" After I say that he just sighed

And he sat to the front

While I was playing some music on my phone I looked at the side mirror and saw him staring at me

But when he saw me looked at him he quickly looked away


We reached the school since they're excuse because they'll pick me up

"Yoona-ah!! I missed youu!" Jae shouted

"Awww, but did I miss you?" Pftt if you can see her reaction you'll laugh your asses off

"Tsk! I'm leaving" Oh?

"Aww my friend is already mad? Awww of course I missed my best friend" Then I backed hug her

"///!" She got startled


"Someone's jelly~~" Eh? Is it Jimin? Oh wait why am I thinking of him

"Huh who?" Jae asked Jimin

"Hmmm I dunnOoiduNnOiDuNnOO~"

Then Taehyung just elbowed him

"Yah don't hurt Jimin he didn't do anything to you" I said while glaring at him

"Why do you care? Do you l-like him?" Why the hell did he stutter

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