My choice?/ Old friend

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Yoona's POV

"I don't know... Maybe I can answer that one day.... If only my pabo head works" I said while chuckling

"Hmmm.... Then what do you think about their personalities when you saw them"

Sounds nice

"Hmm that tall guy? What's his name, hmmm oh right Jin that narcissist, well I think maybe he's too confident, next... That little guy... The one you said that broke up with me.... I think that he's nice, and kind... How about the coconut haired boy... The one who has brown hair... I bet he's a playful and cheerful.... The one who has a bright smile even though I don't remember him... Hoseok I think? *wait do I remember some things? I dunno* Maybe he's a bit cheerful and a smiler, the one with the dimples... I can't rememeber his name tho... I think he can be cool,  then you.... Erhm, straight forward.... Haha just kidding, maybe you could be a playboy because of your look... But maybe I assumed wrong.... But you just have a perfect face that anyone.. As in anyone could be in love................... But not me.... It doesn't effect on me, I mean I choose someone caring, loving, loyal to me" But why do I think all my thoughts of their personalities was right

"Then who do you choose?" Hmmm.... I don't know

"Dunno..... I don't feel like being into a relationship nowadays... Well partly yeah I want to but most of it is a big no no, I don't know why but.... Why doesn't it feel awkward to me when talking to a boy that I didn't know....... I didn't know right now but in the past yes..... I think"

"I hope you answer it very soon miss... I'll call them since my umma is very sensitive when I go home late" Oh why oh why, why does the mood feels so light when I talked to him

But why when the others asked me what happened I felt like.... I felt awkwardness

Does it mean..... I like him?

No no no

Min Yoona, you don't like nor love anyone besides your family... Right

A week later

So many homeworksss

"Hey Yoona, wanna eat with me?" Jae said

The guys told the story to her but apparently they said she was my first friend at this school

"Sure Jae, just wait for me a little bit, I'm not finished yet" I was taking notes and I'm slow at writing

"Why are you so always slow when it comes to writing? You'll lose at writing games" Huh? Oh really? Okay I admit it, yes I'm a slow writer but not a slow person

"At least I survived that accident" Eight lives to go......

"Hmm okay alright, I'll be finding a free table... Or I'll text you" I nodded since I'm focused on writing

I stretched my hands out and clean my table

"Done at last, now I just have to go to--" Somebody hit my cheek... Why did it not hurt so much?

"Why didn't you flinched and collapse like last time?" Someone said... But I think I know who it is

"Bea?" Huh? Why do I know her?

"Yeah me, my name is Bea, why didn't your cheek hurt? My slap was hard enough to make you collapse!" Wut

"Well it sting a little but.... Why.... Why did you have to go this far? Why? Why old friend?" She slapped me again

"Don't you ever call me 'old friend' you dumb bitch!" That hurts

"Bea! Don't you dare call Yoona that word, cuz it suits on you!" Whattt

"Hey don't call her that! Yeah she called me bitch but that doesn't mean she's one too!" I shouted back

"Why are you defending her!?" He's crazy mad

"She's a friend, an old one!"

"But not anymore dumbass!" That's way too far now

I walked up to her and slapped her very hard

"After what I did for you in the kindergarten, this is what I get?! You just played with me!! You never liked me! Don't underestimate me or else" I said while I dragged Taehyung out of that scene

"What happened? Am I dreaming?" Dream?

"Dream your ass" As I was saying

Yeah we knew each other for a long time and we can't get separated like we were siblings.... But then she didn't reviewed when there was a test so I gave her my paper and she got high score while me, I got low

Then after that she got spoiled and acted like a brat

She always bullies me, say names to me....

Even, cursed at me.... Until we separated because she treated me like a slave when we were in fifth grade

Then pointed the fault at me, so then I became more, boyish and harmful

That's why I always bully someone, to get my anger out of her, to get my revenge

But then here we go, got a fuckin amnesia then got slapped then ta dahh, I didn't get to do my revenge

But if we graduate, oh yes yes yes, my sweet sweet revenge will come

"Hey Yoona, how about we fake our relationship so I can be at your side always" Tshh lame

"Wow what a nice suggestion, then we'll grow fond of each other and fall for each other, I don't like it!" I stomped my way out

Like in WP? They go in some fake relationship then later on, 'I think I love you bleh bleh bleh' thing tsk what a smart person

"But I'm dead serious, how about we have to make ten rules, five for me and you" Is he seriously thinking?

"Are you like in a story or wp or somethin? We are not like the 'Teen Clash' when Yannie and Xander did that, you know what happened? They made seven rules I think then they all broke it, they fall for each other then get into a real relationship"

[A/N: To all readers of Teen Clash, shout out to you guys!]

"You read those things? Are you for real?" He asked, why not? At least I can experience some of that tingly stuff in your stomach and sometimes cry, or even laugh, and blush so hard that your parents think you have a gf/bf texting

"Wae? What's the prob with that? I don't read smut or adult thingy stuffs there, I just read some of the you know, the old stories that is like not real life" Yeah like just what I said, Teen Clash, TFBBAM 'The four bad boys and me', ILWAG 'In love with a gangster'

[And some bts fanfics ofc!]

"I'm not saying you read those things! Just, please let's do it, I won't do anything related to my feelings towards you I promise. Jebal~"

How can I say no to that aegyo?

"So guys how's life being bf and gf?" Wut the

"What the f(art)!" I said while my dark aura is rising

"Oh no, not those sis not those ones, nuh uh, bye guys see yah in heaven!" Yoongi sunbae said while running away

"Oh no~ Guys get out before she spits fire" Taehyung mumbled

"Guys I want to say, RUN!!" Jungkook said while pulling their arms

"Phew that was close, thanks to Suga sunbaenim he said those, or else" I walked fast so he couldn't walk with me

But I was wrong

"So what's your answer to my question? Is it a YOOOOOHEEEEEE or a NOOOOOOHEEEEEEE?" Is he a freakin five year old child?

I just answered with my shoulders

"So???? Shoulders won't talk unless you do a ventriloquist style" Or is he a three year old son of mine?

"I don't know okay, lemme think about it"

"Yossss! Just answer it before the day ends~" We then entered the canteen

A/N: So shout out to all readers of those stories! And you want some tissue? For the next one? Ha!

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