[GIRLS] The Surprise Pt. 1

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🌟 JUNE 29, 2018 🌟

Chaeyoung had no idea why Lisa insisted for her to come. The moment they finished their radio guesting earlier, she immediately pulled her in a separate van from where their unnies were. She tried to ask her multiple times where they are going, but she would just answer - 'you'll see' repeatedly.

Now here they are in a vintage shop, her patience finally running thin. She sighed and held the maknae's wrist, "seriously Lisa, what the heck is going on!?" She whisper-shouted.

They're in a secluded area of the store with one of their managers looking around not-so far away. Lisa pulled her mask down and took a deep breath.

"Chaeng-ah, give me this one favor please? Please please.. I'll buy you that pair of pants you were looking at the other day," Liz almost begged, doing her infamous aegyo tactic.

Rosé snickered, totally used to it. "Tell me what this is about first, don't you think I deserve to know before even considering this request of yours?"

Lisa pouted, "just trust me Chaengie.." she then drawled.

"The last time I did, I ended up taking a sip of avocado shake.. no way Liz, I won't fall for that anymore. Now explain," the older girl uttered in finality.

"Fine - it's just a sip though," Liz mumbled earning a glare from Ro. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, "uhm.. you see, I kind of made Jungkook mad the other day and we haven't talked for days now."

Rosé nodded at this, acting nonchalant like she didn't secretly fumbled through Lisa's phone, screenshot their conversation and sent the said copies to her email. She acted like she had no idea at all - YG better give this woman an acting debut.

"And I know everything's my fault. They're back from their private trip this morning, and I asked Bam to help me surprise him so I could apologize," Liz continued.

"So you're saying you're gonna meet up with him later to apologize?"

"It's a surprise Unnie, he doesn't know I'm the one he's meeting. Well, we rather or should I say.. you," Lisa said wiggling his eyebrows, earning a frown from her bestfriend.

"What do you mean?" Ro suspiciously asked.

"You remember when Kook-ah sent signed albums to one of our stylists' son? I thought I want to get him something in return, it could be an apology gift as well - that's why we're here!" The girl giddily explained, even clapping once to prove her excitement.

"No Liz, what I mean is - why am I here? If you're going to meet up with him then should you be by yourself? I don't want to be a third wheel!" Chaeyoung whined.

Lisa instantly shook her head, "no Chaengie! Between the two of us, I will be the third wheel.. but don't worry I'll give you two some time alone," she even winked as Rosé's eyes began to widen.

"I thought, a gift won't be enough," Liz added. "I should give him something that truly makes him happy! Which is you! I'm so smart right?" The crackhead even had the audacity to grin, making Chaeng's blood boil even more.


Thoughts started running through Rosé's mind as their idiot of a maknae started skipping around the shop too. She was frozen in her spot thinking;

How could she fix this mess? How could she avoid the impending chaos? How the fudge did her bestfriend become a stupid cupid wannabe who won't see what's actually going on in front of his big ass eyes?! And most of all;

What have they done wrong raising their maknae??

And of course, the solution for all these problems, two words - Park Jimin.

She hurriedly brought her phone out from her coat pocket and glanced at Lisa. When she had made sure the girl's preoccupied, she tapped on her partner-in-crime's saved contact - calling him.

"Chaeng?" The guy questioningly said from the other lin after the second ring.

"Where are you? Are you back in Korea now? Are you with Jungkook? If yes, then go as far away from him as possible for the mean time cause we have a problem." I didn't know Chaeyoung could rap but she did just that.

"Whoa whoa hold up Chaeng-ah.. tell me what's happening. And yes, we're back in Seoul since a few hours ago and I'm alone in my room so don't worry."

She took a deep breath, calming her nerves. "Had Jungkook told you about going out tonight? Or meeting up with someone? Something like that?"

There was silence from the other line for a moment, before she heard him curse silently. "How did you know about that?"

"What did Jungkook tell you first?"

"I heard him a while ago telling Namjoon-hyung that he's gonna meet up with Jaehyun," Jimin replied.

"No, that's not true - well, that's what Kook knew but it's all Bambam and Lisa's plan! Jaehyun was just a decoy, Liz is planning to surprise him tonight to apologize."

"I don't see the problem with that Chaeng," Chim mumbled, confusion evident in his voice.

"Oppa listen, Lisa brought me with her as a freaking 'apology gift' for Jungkook.. now you see the humongous problem here?" She heatedly pointed out.

"Fuck," Jimin hissed, "what is--" the guy suddenly stopped and there was a faint sound, before; "shit Jungkook is about to leave!"

Rosé's eyes widened, "do something! Oh my God!"

"Chaeng? What's happening?" Her head snapped to Lisa so fast she almost got a whiplash, "who are you talking to?"

"Ah! It's just Jisoo-unnie," she chuckled nervously, "she's asking me how we're doing when suddenly Dalgom did something.. yeah that.. it's sorted now," she then gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"Ohh.. well, I've already chosen a gift! I'll just pay for it, you could wait for me in the van if you like."

"Ah ne, okay I'll just wait for you," she replied and waited for Lisa to reach the counter before she stepped out of the shop. That's when she remembered the phone against her ear, and realized the continuous beeps coming from it - Jimin probably had ended the call.

Now she prayed Chim had done something. He should at least come with Jungkook, or she swear she's going to tie these two maknaes up until they fix their misunderstandings themselves.. that's actually a good idea though.

it just keeps on getting messier 😥

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