Written In The Stars

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🌟 SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 ㅡ LA 🌟

He watched as Lisa's eyes was about to close, feeling like his heart was being stabbed. But then the boy's hand started to loosen, and hope came rushing back to his chest. Until he finally let go of her and her eyes fully opened once again.

He was about to walk towards her when the boy suddenly chuckled and forcefully pushed Lisa. Everything around him became silent, his eyes widened in panic as his legs started running on their own.

The girl lost her balance. She was too weak, her legs unstable and the push was too strong. She stumbled beyond the railings, fear visible on her face. He stretched out his arm, desperately trying to reach her.

But he was too late.

He choked and couldn't breathe for a few seconds as her loud cry for help echoed through his ears -


He sat up on his bed, sweat rolling down his face and coating his back. He looked beside him - at the digital clock on the bedside table - it says 4AM. They have an interview this morning and a performance in AGT tonight.

But those were the last of his worries.

He was staring at nothing when the door suddenly opened, "Koo-- oh, you're already awake," Namjoon said in disbelief. "Well good, start preparing, we're leaving in an hour."

"Hyung," he suddenly called out as RM was about to leave.


"What time will the interview finish?"

The older looked questioningly at him but answered nonetheless, "around eleven? Before lunch, why?"

"And what time do we need to start preparing for AGT?"


"Four to five hours," he mumbled to himself.

"Jungkook, what is this about?"

"Hyung," he looked up again, "would you be mad at me if I disappear for a few hours?"

Namjoon was silent for a moment, just watching their maknae as he looked back at him with a resolved expression. "I'll be mad if you come back late," he finally replied.

"Okay, I won't be. I promise, Hyung."

"Alright, be careful."


It's been two months since he last saw her. Yes, he knew and clearly remembered that she said they should stay together for an hour longer if they met coincidentally, and what he's planning now is no coincidence at all. But does she have to know?

He's here. He's going to see her. He needs to see her.

After what happened months ago, he kept on dreaming about it for days but it gradually stopped when they became busy for the promotions. It was the first time he had that nightmare again and he knew the moment he woke up that he needs to see her.

Maybe it was because he's been wishing for them to see each other for days now. When he found out the three of them - Lisa, Rosé and Jisoo - will be attending NYFW the same time they will be in the US, he was ecstatic. He even ignored the fact that it's close to impossible cause they'll be in two different states.

He just doesn't care.

Good thing Rosé didn't change her number unlike her members, when they got their phones back and Jimin still had her contact saved in his phone. That's how he knew where Lisa would be today. She's gonna shoot for their special DVD, for what, he didn't bother to ask.

Ro said the team started to shoot at ten in the morning so Lisa could just possibly be touring around right now. Knowing her, she'll probably in Time's Square or eating at some restaurant or shopping.

He had no idea where to go to find her so he just chuckled to himself. Idiot. Well, she wanted it to be coincidental, maybe this will be it. The two of them being in NYC may be intentional but seeing each other isn't. He's just gonna test his luck and let fate do its job.

He looked down at the paper bag he's holding. It was a white bag he bought recently. He's not much of a spender but when his Jimin-hyung asked him for company in shopping, he was bored and agreed. When he first saw the white bag, it was Lisa using it that came to his mind. It was the first time he didn't care about the price, and surprisingly after purchasing it, he actually felt good.

Now he's afraid he'll become addicted on spoiling the girl.

He walked around Time's Square with no destination in mind and just casually checked the different shops and establishments around. He even stopped one time to watch a busker. An hour passed and he only have another and a half left before his flight back to LA.

He can't understand what he was feeling, he doesn't know if he should just give up or keep on hoping. Until he felt hungry and stopped in front of the hotdog stand on one of the streets. He ordered one on stick and a bottled water. While waiting, he decided to sit down the bench beside it to organize his stuff.

While strolling around, he can't help but buy things and now he had more paper bags unlike earlier. He unzipped his backpack and put them inside, leaving his gift for Lisa out. When done, he removed his bucket hat and fixed his hair, contemplating if he should also pull his mask down.

He's been sweating, he really needs to wipe his face and had no other choice. He glanced around for a moment and when he's sure no one's looking, he finally pulled down his mask and started wiping his face while his head was tilted down.

All of a sudden, a pair of feet stopped in front of him.

His heart started beating fast. Shit. Did someone recognize me? His eyes began looking side to side, thinking of what he should do next. Sejin-hyung will kill me for sure.

He then stiffened when he felt the person lean forward, a familiar scent reaching his sensitive nose. His eyes immediately widened in recognition.

"I'm here to have an hour of you," she whispered near his ear.

He finally looked up to her with a face-splitting grin, before circling his arms around her waist, pulling her down his lap.

"You can have more than that," he mumbled as he buried his face on Lisa's shoulder, her laughter filling the air that surrounds them.

They may be star-crossed but the two of them falling in love are written in the stars and they knew someday, they could finally be together without anyone and anything stopping them.


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