[MEDIA] The Farewell Pt. 3

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📲 ㅡ 🌼
🌟 JULY 14, 2018 🌟

📲 ㅡ 🌼EPISTOLARY CHAPTER 14🌟 JULY 14, 2018 🌟•

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hello oppa :)

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hello oppa :)

hey jen :)
everything okay?

i just wanna say thank
you for helping me
with you know who.
i guess this is the end
for our little plan 😂
even though it didn't
actually last long in
the first place, still
thanks 😊

i don't even know
if i really helped 🤣

you did! he stopped
messaging me 😧

that's good :)
i wanna say call me
whenever you need
help again but we both
know it's kind of
impossible now

i guess that's it.
see you when i see

take care of yourself :)

you too :)



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hey you 😒

sorry for messaging
you but you're the
only one who's still

hahahaha i'm just
joking, what is it kook?

is lisa with you now?
she hasn't messaged
me ☹

we're actully on our
way to music core
recording right now
but sajangnim called
for lisa earlier so we'll
just be meeting up with
her at the recording.
her phone must've been
confiscated earlier than

so that's why

don't worry kook, i
know she'll find other
ways to contact you 😊

thank you noona.
i just miss her, and
now that i won't be
able to contact her..
i at least want to hear
her voice or chat with

we'll still try to talk
with sajangnim,
maybe when he's in
a good mood? 😆

hahahahaha yeah..
and we'll talk with

let's do our best!
i need to go kook,
manager-oppa is
asking for my
phone now

thanks again noona


'aNoThEr OnE lAtEr,' she said, such a lying bitch 😒 this one's boring af cause it's a filler, 3 or 4 chapters to go before finale 🙂

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