[KOOK] The Realizations Pt. 1

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🌟 JULY 09, 2018 🌟

Jungkook woke up for the second time today and found himself inside a moving van. His hyungs are either on their phones, eating chips or talking about stuff. In fact, he doesn't know why he's the only one not in the mood. Since last night, he's been feeling exhausted and under the weather till he woke up this morning - that's why he ended up falling asleep again.

Hold up. What the fuck? How did he end up here in the first place? Now he's wide awake.

"Hyung?" He asked Yoongi who's beside him. The older guy was scrolling through their Twitter timeline and just hummed in response. "Why? How? Where..?" He drawled - he's even confused what he'd asked first.

"The jetlag really fucked your ass up huh? And we even only went to Taipei, not the other side of the world," Yoongi snickered, shaking his head.

"It's because he didn't sleep the night before our flight and just ate in the plane, what the heck are you thinking maknae?" Hobi added, turning to them from the middle seats.

"I bet he's been talking with Lisa that's why," Jimin teased with a smirk - he's seated on the other side of Yoongi, munching some potato chips.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I was playing Fortnite.. Yugyeom had been talking about it and I checked it out, I forgot about the time. And before you refuse to believe me, Lisa had to sleep early that time cause they have Inkigayo recording."

"Of course he knew," Namjoon taunted laughingly, "I bet Kook even had his girl's schedule for the entire month in his phone."

He just scoffed and didn't bother to deny what their leader says cause he's right. He do have Lisa's schedule in his phone - courtesy of his meeting with YG the other day. It had been.. productive and eye-opening none the less. They've made deals, the man updated him with every plans they've made and he told him everyone who's involved.

The scale of this.. project as per say, really shocked him. All these schemes and the possible outcomes, he can't believe he'd been a pawn all this time. Yes he felt used, but if he let himself continue thinking that way, it will seem like all that happened between him and Lali is fake - which is not.

Everything that had happened, has been happening and will happen between them is real. What he feels for her is real. It's just that - they're unfortunately tangled in this grand scheme of things.

He never even imagined he can be this protective of someone other than his hyungs, and he's afraid of the possibility that he could be more protective of her than anyone else. He's scared of how deep he'll fall, how much he'll depend his life on being with her.

Because everyone knew how difficult it will be for them to be together. With all the eyes watching their every move, all people looking up to them and waiting for them to do one wrong move just to ruin their careers - every move they'll make must be calculated, every step would put them at risk.

They're star-crossed. That's the right word to define them - star-crossed.

It may seem like all the people close to them are rooting for their relationship but their world doesn't revolve around them only. They need to consider the thousands of fans who'd been supporting them too - they're the reason why they've achieved all they have now in the first place.

"I'll be honest with you Jungkook-ssi," he remembered Yang Hyunsuk saying. "I don't want you to misunderstand, I'm letting this happen not because I'm completely allowing you to date Lisa. If we're in a different situation, believe me, it'll be hard for you to even breathe the same air as her.

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