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AMBER SLOWLY TRUDGED to her tiny room, she sat down on her bed. She gingerly picked up her old rag doll that was lying on top of her bedcovers, Amber squeezed the doll gently-it was one of the only things that survived the incident. Pietro had managed to salvage it along with an old family picture, while he was scavenging for other items at the site of what used to be their home, Amber just knew it was going to be an item he took.

Amber quickly shoved the doll into her leather satchel that was still on her from earlier. She slowly made her way back to the twins and the man. Pietro and Wanda were standing silently by the door.

"You ready to go little one?" Pietro asked taking her hand.

"You haven't called me that since I was seven 'Etro" she smiled slightly, squeezing his hand. Pietro grinned once more at the mention of his nickname, Wanda was eagerly talking to the impatient man.

"You lot ready to go?" The man said loudly as a fancy black car pulled up next to them. People began crowding around the car looking at it like it was an priceless artefact straight out of a museum.

The twins nodded and looked towards Amber. She nodded slowly, her stomach churning as the man opened the car door. The twins grinned and hopped into the car, Amber followed looking at all the kids who were looking at her wistfully, if only they knew what was actually happening.

The man quickly  sat in the passenger seat instructing the driver to go. The car jolted forward making Ambers stomach drop. She wished she tried harder to find a way not to do this , but instead she kept her mouth closed merely because she didn't want to lose her only family. The drive lasted a little over 30 minutes , and Amber stayed silent the entirety of the journey.

As they arrived, the driver opened the door for the siblings. Amber clambered out, fearfully, with her bag clutched tightly to her body. Pietro followed, holding the family photo. Amber smiled softly at it, as he tucked it into the inside of his jacket. Wanda also clutched a photo but Amber didn't recognize it.

Amber gazed around at their surroundings, there was a large grey stone building in front of them. Armed men guarded every door, another shot of nerves shot through her body. The man went up and whispered something to a pair of guards and they stepped aside. Amber shivered from the eeriness she felt just by looking at the building.

The man hastily gestured for the Maximoffs to follow him. They swiftly walked after him as he led them inside the compound. When the siblings entered Amber's arms filled with immediate goosebumps. She shuddered and Pietro took her hand once more squeezing it gently.

"This is your new home" the man said gesturing to the inside of the dark grey building, and as if like clockwork six guards spring from the dark, seizing the Maximoffs. Two men matched onto Amber and began to drag her away from Pietro and Wanda.

"AMBER, LET HER GO" Pietro shouted loudly, struggling against the guards. Wanda was also yelling, screaming for Pietro.

Amber let out another shrill scream, hoping they would let her go, but they didn't. They dragged her down the damp, grey halls, she could still hear the faint screams of her siblings. Her leather satchel was ripped off of her body as she was thrown into a small dark room, with a single bed in the corner. Amber turned around to see if there was any chance to escape, but the door was already closed tightly. The only gap was at the top of the door, but thick metal bars guarded them, she stood on her tippy toes to try reach the bars but screamed in fear and stumbled back when she was greeted by a mans face appearing at the bars.

"Welcome to Hydra" he spat at her, before disappearing out of sight. Amber slid down the wall, and placed her head in her arms. She could feel tears slipping down her cheeks as she tried to stifle a sob, she'd lost the two people she cared about. This was truly her worst nightmare.

She sat awake for the duration of the night, in the dark, cold room, her mind wandering to her unforeseeable future with 'hydra'. As the compound grew quieter and quieter, Amber couldn't help but let her eyes drop close and fall asleep against the brick wall.


Hey guys, I hope your enjoying this book so far, if so please give it a vote, it would be appreciated:)

Life is crazy at the moment, so
Until next time ;)

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