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It's been 5 months since Sachi and Kirito kissed. The people stuck in the death trap have decreased dramatically, since the bosses have been getting harder and more difficult to beat. Kirito and his friends are staying strong, however, and continue to have hope to escape this death game. However, Kirito and Sachi agreed to keep their kiss a secret, for they knew it was a major regret for them, and they don't want Asuna to find out.

Now, Kirito and his friends are sitting in Kirito's log cabin. Some were discussing new battle plans, while others played and tried to enjoy themselves the best they can. Leafa was out, shopping for supplies and food that Asuna was excited to make for her friends.

Kirito sat with Klien, Sinon, and Asuna, discussing the new battle plans. Yui sat on her father's shoulder, until suddenly, the door flew open. "Kirito!" screamed Leafa. Everyone looked over at Leafa.

"They reached Floor 75. They need our help. They want Kirito to lead the attack." Leafa exclaimed. Everyone rose from where they were sitting. "When do they want to attack next?" Asuna asked in a nervous expression. "Tomorrow night." Leafa stated.

"Let's prepare today and head out tomorrow." Kirito ordered. His friends nodded willingly. They smiled with joy. Floor 75 was where Kirito faced Heathcliff and defeated him, causing him to free all of the trapped players within the original SAO. Now, they must face one of their toughest foes, the Skull Reaper.

Everyone soon began to talk about their battle plans for tomorrow's raid, but not long after, Kirito excused himself. His mind was filled with worry and was very down. He walked outside.

It was night. The moon shined over the lake that was in front of the cabins. Kirito sighed as he took a seat on the rocking chair and faced the water. He began to think.

He tried to think about the battle, but simply couldn't do it. He only thought about that kiss Sachi suddenly gave him. He felt a deep burden within his heart. He disliked that he didn't stop it. He felt like he let Asuna down.

He thought about the past couple of days. It was when his guilt started to grow stronger by the second. He realized that they never really talked to each other after the kiss, for they both felt the regret.

Suddenly, the door opened behind Kirito. He didn't turn around. He heard the door close and footsteps approach him. Someone sat on the seat right next to him. It was Asuna. Kirito never said anything.

"A beautiful night, isn't it?" Asuna asked. "Yeah," Kirito whispered. He was really down, and didn't want to hold onto this guilt any longer.

Kirito got up and walked in front of Asuna. "Asu-"

"Asuna?" a voice suddenly called out. Kirito and Asuna turned to the door to see Sachi there, with a panicked expression. "I have to t-tell you something." Sachi said, quietly.

"G-go on..." Asuna said. Sachi then bowed so quickly that it was hard for Asuna and Kirito to process it at first. "I can't hide this guilt anymore! I-I-I'm so, so, very sorry!" Sachi yelled. There was silence. Not a single sound from the birds or animals came out. The night was silent, and so was the three friends.

"For what?" Asuna asked. "I...I-I..." Sachi stammered.

"We kissed." Kirito whispered. Sachi and Asuna faced Kirito. He slowly got up. "Asuna...months ago, when we got Sachi back...after she tried to commit suicide, we kissed in our own cabin..." Kirito whispered to Asuna.

Asuna made no facial expressions or do anything. She looked at her boyfriend. Sachi had some tears stream from her eyes. "I was about to tell you the same thing. I feel so guilty. I didn't mean for this to happen, Asuna. I promise." Kirito whispered.

"H-he's right. I was the one who did it I never told him I was going to. Please forgive me!" Sachi yelled.

Asuna smiled. "I know..."

Kirito and Sachi gasped. "W-wait? You knew?! How?!" Kirito exclaimed. "Yui secretly went into the cabin in her fairy form that day when you guys kissed. She saw it and told me. I'm not mad. She made it clear that you never started it...Kirito." Asuna explained.

Sachi approached her. "I'm sorry Asuna. I didn't mean to..." Sachi whispered. Asuna smiled. "Don't worry about it. I understand how you feel."

Asuna faced Kirito. "Sometimes...when you love can't help yourself. You know in your heart that you want them to be with you forever. I felt that way when I first met Kirito. Fighting the first floor boss together changed my life forever. He opened me up to this scary...but amazing world. I will never regret meeting him. And I bet you had the same feelings when you first met him, didn't you?" Asuna asked.

Sachi nodded. Tears streamed down her eyes. "That's exactly how I feel. And...I respect his decision to choose you over me." Sachi smiled. Asuna smiled back and hugged Sachi. "I forgive you." Asuna responded. Asuna then let go and faced Kirito. She kissed his cheek. "And you too." Asuna said as she walked inside, leaving Kirito and Sachi alone once more.

"That...ended up being way better than I thought." Sachi said as she broke out into a laugh while continuing to cry. Kirito laughed as well. "Let's head inside Sachi." he said. They both walked inside and joined the others, who was still planning their attack on the Skull Reaper.

The next day, everyone teleported to the Floor 75 dungeon. They grasped onto their weapons tightly. Kirito walked in front of his friends and the rest of the fighters. He turned and faced them.

"Listen everyone! We are nearly complete with our challenge. Lives were lost, some sacrificed, but today, we will not die in vain. We will win for them.

Kirito looked at his friends, who were no right in front of him. "For our friends..." Asuna. "For our loved ones..."

Kirito closed his eyes and smiled. "We will win!" The crowd cheered with excitement and hope. "Now, let us fight!" Kirito yelled. The crowd cheered once more as the dungeon doors opened to a dark and murky room. "Charge!" Kirito yelled. The crowd yelled and ran inside.

They entered the room...and the battle started...

Hello everyone! Long time no see! Last time this book was updated was December 2017! :o I'm so very sorry for not writing. I was extremely busy lately and wanted to work more on my other books. I thank you all for waiting for so long, and really appreciate your dedication into this fanfic.

I regret to report that this book is towards its final chapters. There will only be a few more until the final chapter of this book, so stay tuned for upcoming updates.

Thank you for waiting for so long for this chapter, and I really hope you enjoy it. I apologize once again for the hiatus. :(

Thank you for sticking with this book too! Hope you enjoy the last few chapters! :)

(HINT: there will be a major in the final battle! :o :o :o )

-Alyssa F., author of Sword Art Online: Nightmare's Dwelling

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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