Lumière Over Me

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*This song is based on Ed's song Tenerife Sea which means that this is a Sweeran fanfiction*

(C) for the song lyrics of Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran.

BTW: I entered this story in the Watty awards, because why not?! I know that sweeran isn't really a big deal in the whole shipping fandom, but I decided to why not give it a try! Please spread this story all around and thank you so much for all the support! 


Ed Sheeran is the best friend that Taylor Swift has ever had, and according to her in order to keep him in his life forever she shouldn't date him, which leads them to the Friendzone. But of course one night changed it all. It was right after the Grammys when Ed wrote the song and one night after that, he played it for Taylor, surely we can all say that everything has changed.

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