Chapter 1

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*Chapter 1*


I was finally done with school and I had nothing else to do besides rotting at home. I was dead on the couch, loudly chewing on my favorite cherry flavored hubba bubba gum when Myles stormed in my direction.

"Quentin! Where are all the- You idiot they are supposed to be mine," he bitched and snatched the pink round package out of my hand and opened it to check how much I already took from it. "You fat ass ate everything," he groaned.

"I just put everything in my mouth," I shrugged. "It's so hard to chew though," I skewed my face and took the huge chewing gum ball out of my mouth to show him. "My jar will get a cramp. You want some?" I offered.

"Disgusting! Just throw it away," he turned around and left. I looked at the slimy ball and did as he said. I threw it in the trash and washed my hands afterwards. It kinda left a sticky feeling, so I wanted to get rid of it.

This time I decided to steal a couple of lollipops from the cupboard and let it disappear inside my pocket after I stuck one inside my mouth. Although I must say that biting on the hubba bubba gum tape or whatever you want to call it, was really satisfying.

I was about to leave the kitchen when Jin stopped me and roughly plugged the candy out my mouth which caused a shallow 'plopping' sound. "You'll get cavities, if you continue eating that much sweets. At least reduce it to one a day or something."

I frowned at him and shook my head. "Am I on some kind of diet or what?" I rolled my eyes and just grabbed another lolly out of my pocket and put it in my mouth as soon as I unwrapped it. I left to head, looking for Ramon when I unconsciously bumped against Ace.

He looked at me with a boring face and passed me. But since I had good ears, I could perfectly hear him muttering something like "Sucker," in my direction. Well I didn't mind because I love suckers. Especially cherry or apple flavored ones.

"Ugh," I sighed. "Ramon, where the fuck are you?" I shouted basically through the entire house.

"What is it?" An answer came back. I followed the voice that lead me to the fitness room as I stormed in, seeing him working out on the cross trainer. He was panting with exhaust when I stood there, my arms crossed with a demanding expression.

"When am I going to get my credit card?" I pursed my lips and scowled.

"Maybe when you start to pay more attention into something that has nothing to do with sweets," he said and stopped as he dried his sweat with a towel. "Eating too much sweets will make your body weak. Start working out instead," he recommended.

"I'm not weak," I said. "I can very well afford to eat as much sweets as I want to."

"Right, I forgot" he rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm. "I really wonder how you can be this thin while eating so much shit every day. Get some proteins in your body. You won't gain no muscles like that."

I huffed at him. "Just give me my credit card!" I referred back to what I was actually doing here.

He sighed and went out of the fitness room as I followed him. "Fine then. I guess you are already an adult. You can decide for yourself. But stop wasting hundreds of dollars every month just for candy, got that?" He pulled out my card out of his safe that was too well hidden in his room and passed it on to me. I wanted to take it when he pulled away. "Got that?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Fine!" I agreed and pulled it out of his grasp before I turned away.

Guys! I'm not even lying when I say that it is super difficult living with five brothers and it doesn't matter how far our rooms are apart. Especially when you are the youngest like I am. Because I'm never going to be as highly respected as Ramon and Jin who are by the way twins.

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