The Festival

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"Woah, you actually did it!" James exclaimed as Adam handed him the giant teddy bear he'd just won, "Heh, yeah, I knew I could do it, just took a little while." Adam boasted, "You spent a hundred dollars..." James blinked, "Well, I mean, I could have spent two hundred but I'm just so good." Adam replied confidently, "I guess you're right." James chuckled. The two of them wandered aimlessly around the festival, trying to decide which ride to go on. Most of the rides went really high up, which James figured Adam couldn't handle. But eventually they reached one ride that James figured Adam would like, "What about that one?" He suggested, pointing at an odd looking ride. "Sure, I guess." Adam shrugged, leading the way to the entrance. It was an interesting contraption, several cart-like places to sit hung from huge thick metal bars. A teenager who looked like he dreaded his own existence took our tickets and led them to a red cart. He told Adam to go in first, and then James, pulling down the bars above the cart, securing it in front of them. What James hadn't anticipated was how close the bar forced them to be, before he could make some sort of awkward joke he'd probably regret about the situation the ride began. It jerked them forward, spinning for a good minute. As the ride continued on, James felt his stomach twist a little. Not because of the ride, but because of the fact that whenever the ride would turn, Adam would get pushed even closer to him. Adam seemed a little frustrated that every time he'd move away he'd immediately be pushed back into his friend's chest. James awkwardly giggled as the ride eventually came to a stop. The same teenager helped James out, despite not really needing to. As he went to help Adam out James noticed his friend's cheeks were slightly pink, puzzling him. Adam mumbled to himself as he led the way to the exit. "So, what do you wanna do now?" James asked, gripping the stuffed bear a little tightly as to not drop it. The dirt below them didn't seem to appealing to have on the big bear he planned to cuddle when he got home. Adam glanced around the festival, "More games?" He suggested, "Okay," James nodded, "Just don't spend so much on a game next time." he snickered, "Well I mean I had to you seemed to really like it!" Adam protested, but immediately James noticed his face drop a little, concerned about what he'd just said. James could help but notice his cheeks heating up a bit, "Since, you know. You're my best friend and, everyone needs a bear friend." Adam stared at the dirt, "Heh, yeah, I appreciate it. Especially after how hard you tried." James shifted his gaze to the horizon that was clearly visible in the open field where the festival was set. The sun had just finished setting, leaving only shades of purple to paint the sky and reveal a few stars. Adam nodded, "No prob." An awkward silence fell between the two as they refused to make eye contact, James moved the bear's big head in front of his mouth to cover his cheeks. He'd prefer that Adam didn't notice how they were slowly turning the same shade of red as a rose. James always refused to admit it, or allow such sweeter than expected thoughts arise in his mind about Adam, but today was just breaking him. Adam eventually broke the silence, "Hey, that duck game looks pretty cool." James turned in the direction he pointed, "Oh yeah, we should play it." James brightened up at seeing the weird looking rubber ducks that sat in a pond up ahead, "Alright, come on." Adam reached out, taking James's hand and leading him to the duck pond, which didn't help James at all. Once they actually arrived at the pond Adam seemed to notice what he'd done, he quickly let go, "Oh-I'm sorry." Adam stuttered a little. James simply smiled, "Don't worry about it." Inside though, he felt like he was going to explode.

The duck game raged on, James had lost early on and gave up, but Adam looked determined. The biggest rubber duck prize was "looking at him funny" as he'd put it. The man had been aggressively bobbing for rubber ducks for almost an hour now, he was unbeatable. Until finally the game master handed him the largest purple duck James has ever seen. As they walked away, Adam seemed very proud of himself. "I don't understand why it's purple though." James remarked, "I don't care, I won!" Adam replied proudly, making James chuckle quietly. Neither of them seemed too concerned on what to do next, simply walking around the festival, looking at all the rides. They didn't speak much for a while, allowing James's thoughts to wander a little. He couldn't help but think back to the bear that he still held so tightly, and how determined Adam was to get. His reason why is what set James off so much, and how he so thoughtlessly grabbed his hand. James was relieved that it was too dark for Adam to see his face now, because if he did he probably should just consider himself dead. This time James decided to try to break the more comfortable but still pretty awkward silence, "So..." he began, but before he could continue Adam spoke up, "Sorry about that, uh, hand thing." anxiousness edged his tone. Why did he have to mention it? James had just calmed down..."Hey, it's no big deal." He shrugged, "And it also wouldn't be a big deal if you did it again." The moment those words escaped his lips James felt every ounce of his body feel a surge of regret. But to his surprise, Adam didn't react how he expected, "Oh really now?" Amusement had replaced his anxiousness, "Yeah." James nodded. Adam didn't say anything for a moment, until James felt someone take his hand, "Alright then." Adam smiles. James buried his face in his new bear, red as a tomato. But what made him blush even harder was what Adam said next, "By the way, I don't know if you think that bear hides the fact that you've basically turned into a tomato because it doesn't and I totally noticed a while ago."

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