A Rainy Day...In Summer?

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"Agh..!" Adam stumbled back as he was splashed by a car speeding through a puddle beside him. Rain is a true anomaly, especially at this time of year where it's seemingly impossible, that Adam usually appreciates, but today he couldn't possibly hate it more. He stomped along the sidewalk; the soft grays that blanketed the sky above destroyed his mood with every step. Nothing had gone well today, the moment he woke up he immediately felt a skull-splitting headache, an old lady at the grocery store got into a massive fight with him over a measly box of Lucky Charms, and no matter where he tried to go out to eat the lines were a mile long. This was the worst Friday Adam's had in a while, and the only thing he could possibly look forward to was seeing James. Every Friday he'd go over to James's house so that James could teach him sign language, to Adam's surprise, James is a rather good teacher, perhaps he really would have made a good math teacher. Soon enough James's house came into view, rain lightly pattered on the rooftop, the water that made its way into the gutter overflowed onto the porch and driveway below. Adam trudged up the driveway, reaching the door to knock gently. After a few moments of shuffling and something breaking from the other side, James yelled, "It's open!" giving Adam permission to step inside. He wiped his feet before crossing the warm threshold, though it didn't do much, he was still soaked. As he closed the door behind him, James stepped into view. It was quiet for a good few seconds, "Don't do it..." Adam grumbled, he wasn't about to have his mood completely turned around just because of this big tall loser's smile, no, he had standards. Though sure enough, Adam felt himself mirror the ridiculous grin that slowly spread across James's face. Adam sighed, he hated how so easily he could be swayed by him, all he had to do was look in his general direction and Adam had already forgotten why he could possibly be angry about anything. "Is it really raining that hard?" James stepped towards, touching Adam's soaking sweatshirt. "No, I got splashed." Adam groaned, "Wow, what kind of jerk would do that?" Frustration edged James's tone, but quickly faded with his next question, "You want to borrow some clothes?" Adam blinked, he'd never actually worn anything James had actually let him borrow, sure, he's stolen a couple shirts here and there for science but James has never actually offered anything. Of course he's going to accept, "Sure." Adam nodded calmly. James trotted upstairs, allowing Adam to wait in the entry way. He couldn't sit down yet since he didn't want to get any of James's couches wet, he didn't wait for long though as James walked down the stairs again holding a pile of clothes, handing them to Adam, "Here you go." Adam gingerly took them, "Thanks, I'll just go change in the bathroom." He excused himself. As he stepped into the bathroom, setting the clothes down, he noticed something sitting on the towel rack. It was a white shirt with a weird stain on one of the sleeves. Adam stared at it for a while, smirking to himself as he realized who the owner was. As Adam stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in one of James's sweaters and pairs of sweatpants, he immediately felt much better. Setting down his wet clothes on the coffee table, he sat down next to James on the couch. "Isn't it insane?" James remarked, "It's actually raining, in summer!" Adam nodded, "I guess today the weather said it wasn't going to conform." James laughed quietly, "So, want to start your lesson?" he asked, "Sure." Adam leaned back in the couch, allowing it to consume him as James stepped out of the room. As he returned to the living room with a notebook, Adam let out a yawn. "Yeah, I get it, being so cute must be tiring." Adam stopped; did he just hear that correctly? Did James just flirt? Adam couldn't believe his ears; he never thought he'd see the day. Today was truly an anomaly, but Adam wasn't about to let James get away with that, "Then you must be exhausted." He watched as James's sly expression quickly shifted to a more flustered one, as if he hadn't expected a rebuttal. Little did he know that if James wanted to play like that, then Adam was certainly going to step up his game. James sat down beside him, "So-anyways, I'm just going to say certain sayings in sign language and you'll say them out loud." James explained, "Alright." Adam turned to face him straight on. So far Adam's answered everything correctly, until the final one, "I love you." Adam repeated, "Aw, you do?" James smiled, his smug grin returning. Again, Adam wasn't about to let him win, "Absolutely." He scooted closer to him on the couch, watching contently as James's cheeks flushed a soft red. James scooted back a little, "A-Ah...I see..." He no longer made eye contact, his gentle cocoa-colored eyes darted around the room, anywhere but where Adam was. Adam purred, "You know I knew this day was completely out of the ordinary but I honestly didn't expect to hear you trying to flirt." James hesitated, "I-well..." He seemed to be at a loss for words, "You actually really got me the first time, it was so unexpected." Adam consoled him, "Was it...?" James still refused to meet his gaze. Adam nodded, "Mhm, you did great." "Wh-Well, yeah, of course I did." James's sad attempt to sound confident was even more amusing, "And you know what? Because you were so good, I'll just forget about seeing my shirt on the towel rack." Adam reached out, patting his shoulder, "Hey, you just left that here, I didn't take it..." James spoke slowly, "How could I just forget my shirt? This is like the only time I've ever borrowed your clothes." Adam smirked. James stuttered, desperately trying to find another excuse, but it didn't matter, just about anything he could say wouldn't help his case. "W-Well, I wouldn't act so innocent. I've noticed a couple shirts missing myself." James stuttered, "Ah, I admit, I'm guilty, but at least I'll own up to it unlike someone." Adam put his hands up, James simply grunted in reply. Adam grew quiet, glancing around the room, before returning to the defeated James. His head hung low, facing Adam's direction. Adam reached forward again, gently picking his head up by the chin, "You don't really need to admit it, I don't mind. Well, as long as you let me give you something." He spoke smugly, "What's that?" James sighed. Adam didn't answer, slowly leaning closer to him. Soon enough he presses his lips against James's, instilling the reaction that Adam anticipated. He leaned back with a smile, "A kiss." James didn't say anything, he didn't look like he could, before Adam could make any more moves, he felt his phone vibrate. "Oh, wow, I totally forgot about that. Sorry dude, I gotta go. Hey, maybe I can come back over tonight if you're interested?" Adam stood up, "Okay." James breathed, staring at where Adam used to be sitting. Adam grinned as he headed for the door, turning to take one last look at the scarlet mess that sat on the couch, "I'll see you later then!" he called, closing the door behind him. As he stepped out into the driveway, the rain had reduced to light sprinkling, allowing him to walk peacefully back to his own house. He reached up, pressing the sweatshirt against his nose, allowing James's scent to invade his senses; his day had truly been turned around.


so I know that I said I'd update this 6 days ago

I'm so sorry

things obviously didn't go as planned 

but I'm back, but I also do kind of have bad news

I start school very soon, which means that this book will be considered finished very soon.

There are only three other fanfics planned after this.


If you happen to be interested, I MIGHT be either writing a real fanfic during school!

Though it probably wouldn't be updated daily as I tried to do here, more like once a week or once a few days.

Or maybe I'll be writing another one shot book? Maybe with a fall theme when that season starts creeping up?

Idk though

So that's it

thank you for your patience with my inconsistent self

Goodbye, and have a great day/night! x

The Summer of One-Shots (TheOdd1sOut x SomethingElseYT)Where stories live. Discover now