The Storm

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"Isn't it wonderful?" James turned to Adam as he turned off the TV. The weather forecast had just announced a big storm coming their way, "Uh, no!" Adam exclaimed, "This is terrible! What if lightning strikes the house and catches everything on fire!" James had never realized that Adam was afraid of lightning, he felt a little bad for rubbing in the possibilities of a storm all day now, "I'm sure that the house won't get struck by lightning." He attempted to reassure him, "Lightning can be pretty from far away." As Adam opened his mouth to protest, a loud rumble interrupted him. As James watched him turn in the direction of a window, he leapt back, clutching his shirt, "There it is! It could strike at any moment!" he yells. James felt his heart skip a beat or two as Adam latched onto him, causing him to hesitate before patting Adam's back, "It'll be fine. You know how lightning strikes the tallest things? Especially metal? I'm pretty sure that there's something taller than us." Adam didn't move, remaining quiet for a good few moments, making James a little nervous. The moment he was a little used to Adam clinging to him, he suddenly pulled off of him, "Heh, just messing with you. I'm not scared, I just wanted an excuse to hug you." Adam laughed nervously, "O-Oh." James stuttered, already Adam was managing to make him blush. "Well, uh, anyways, wanna watch something?" James quickly suggested in an attempt to change the subject, "Sure." Adam shrugged, his poor attempts to hide how utterly freaked out he was failed miserably, but James said nothing.

The power suddenly cut out, startling James, but it seemed to scare Adam even more. Adam jumped, grabbing onto James again, which still immediately left him a little perturbed. This time Adam let go a little faster, "Pf, I'm not scared!" He repeated himself from earlier, "Not at all, but, James, you look a little disturbed yourself there." Adam quickly pointed the finger to James, "What do you mean?" James blinked, hoping that Adam hadn't noticed him the past two times, "Your cheeks look a little pink." Adam insisted, leaning closer to him, "Do they?" James touched his cheek lightly, it already felt a little warm. Why does Adam have to do this? Just about every time he's around he always manages to do this, intentional or not. Adam nodded, "You know, this couch feels really uncomfortable, wanna sleep in my bed?" he suggested with a devilish grin. James hesitated, "Uh..." He quickly turned his attention to the floor, gee, what a nice carpet. Adam chuckled, "Is that  a spring sticking out? Wow, this couch sucks, you're sleeping with me, no arguments." He took James by the arm, leading him away from the living room. James tried to protest, or, at least just say something, but all that came out of his mouth was incoherent stuttering. In the back of his mind though, James knew that Adam had a different intent. The way he shakily stepped into his bedroom the moment lightning struck outside said it all, "I think it's time we hit the hay anyways." he let go of James's arm, hurling himself into bed. Skittishly, James slipped underneath the covers. Almost immediately, Adam took him under his arm, "Red as a rose already?" he teased. James didn't reply, mostly in fear of stuttering so hard again, which only invoked a soft chortle from Adam. The whole position, innocent enough, still made James feel like he'd turned into a furnace. He buried his nose in Adam's chest in an attempt to hide his face, but that immediately felt like a horrible mistake, "I'm that comfortable?" Adam purred, all James replied with was a muffled, slightly vexed noise. Adam chuckled, "No pressure, actions speak louder than words." Immediately after he spoke again, James could feel Adam tense up as thunder rumbled above. Instinctively, James moved his arm around Adam in a fuller embrace. "Scared?" Adam hesitated, shakily wrapping his other arm around James, "Y-Yeah." James stammered. "Don't worry, I'm here." Adam assured him, patting his back lightly as James drifted off to sleep.

James's eyes flickered open, realizing he hadn't moved a bit since last night. He glanced up to see Adam sleeping soundly, his arms still wrapped around James. James closed his eyes again, figuring that he shouldn't disturb him by moving, and he didn't really want to anyways. Before he knew it, James felt Adam stirring. When he opened his eyes again, he found Adam glancing around the room, before settling on him, "Morning." He whispered, "Sleep well?" James lowered his head a little, "Mhm." "I'm glad, you seemed pretty freaked out last night by the storm." Adam remarked nervously, "Yeah," James agreed, "I was."

A/N: Hi, I'm sorry this was waay shorter than they usually are. I didn't have much time to write as I'm going to be leaving to go on a trip the day this is posted. I'll certainly be posting ordinary length oneshots from now on despite being on this trip since I'll have a lot of time to do so, but I was just a little rushed getting there. I'll still be posting every day, or at least trying my best to. Okay well I guess that's it, bye! Have a great day/night!

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