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It's been a while since I have updated. I was a little bit busy. And I'm thinking about the plot of this story. Well I have a lot of ideas but I'm really confused with myself. So I'm taking baby steps. And guys,I need feedbacks! Pretty please?? Whoever comments first will get a dedication!




A picture of Jade on the side---------->

After tossing and turning for almost over two hours finally I got up. I couldn't sleep. It took a lot to convince Drake that I'm alright now,which of course I'm not. I mean who would be if their worst fear and nightmares creep in all of a sudden after so many days? But I needed some time alone. Too many thoughts were occupying my mind. I had to literally kick his ass to leave the room.

I looked at the clock,it's 7.14 AM. Sighing I went to the bathroom to finish my morning business. After splashing cold water over my face I looked at the mirror. Great,my hair looks like bird's nest. Wiping my face with a towel,I tried to tame my hair by brushing my fingers through them for a little while. Then did a messy bun and decided to pay Drake a visit downstairs.

While coming downstairs,I heard him humming. As soon as I placed my foot on the wooden floor the delicious smell of bacons,poached eggs and toasted bread hit my nose. Suddenly my stomach grumbled loudly,I scolded myself mentally. I forgot how hungry I was amidst of all my thoughts.

Drake turned around from where he was standing with a hint of laughter in his eyes. Damn he heard my grumbly-tummy. Blushing I looked down feeling a little shy and embarrassed. Huh...strange. I never feel shy when Drake's around. Fumbling with my fingers I said to him,"Sorry about that."

Chuckling he waved his hands saying 'whatever' and motioned for me to sit on the counter stool. I padded my feet towards the stool and sat down. Folding my hands below my chin I propped my face up to see what he was doing. His back was towards my way. He continued his humming and cooking. I watched him,waiting for him to finish quietly.

After a few minutes he placed a plate in front of me. Serving me bacons and egg with toaster. Mumbling a thank you I dived in the food forgetting every thing else in the world. I guess you could say I eat very much 'unlady like-ly' when I'm hungry. He sat next to me and started eating with more manners than me,might I add.

"Did you get any sleep?" He asked watching my reaction carefully. I shrugged.

"Not really." I replied with mouthful of bread and egg which sounded more like 'Mot rearry.'

"What did you do then after you kinda kicked me out,from my own room?" He mocked glare my way. I giggled. He looks funny when he does that weird stuff with his eyebrows to act like he's really mad at me.

"It's not your room,it's your guest room." I pointed out with the fork in my hand after finishing the food in my mouth.

He raised one eyebrow and said,"It's my house. Therefore every room is my room."

I shrugged slightly and started eating again. We finished eating the rest of the meal without any more chit-chats in perfectly comfortable silence. He didn't mention once about last night throughout the whole meal and I'm grateful to him for that. I love eating my meal in peace,without having to worry and feel scared,doesn't everyone? Who can stomach food while they are thinking about the most horrible thing that ever happened to them? No one.

After finishing breakfast we both sat on the couch. I picked up a random magazine from the table and started flipping through the pages,not really paying attention to it. My mind felt clouded with many thoughts again. After a while Drake placed his head on my shoulder. I placed mine on top of his and left the magazine open in my lap.

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