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TW: swearing
Ship: None; maybe Remy x Thomas if that's what you saw those short vids as (the ones where Thomas was like "can you come to bed now?" to Remy)

Thomas' POV

Honestly, where the heck is Remy? I thought to myself. It's already 11pm; I need to sleeeeeep

"Remy!" I called, as I tried summoning him. Nothing. Dang it. Alright, he's either in the mind or at Starbucks. And I am NOT going to Starbucks right now. I began to sink down to the mind, thinking very happy thoughts, so that I could appear in Patton's room.

When I arrived in Patton's room, I first noticed that I was alone. Then I saw my glow worm (look at how creepy it looks!)- wait. No time for distractions, gotta find Remy.

I left Patton's room to find myself in the mindscape's hallway. I figured that if Remy were here he would probably be with the others, and for that to happen without the corruption of everyone, they'd have to be in the common room. Aka, the family room (or as Patton calls it, the famILY room. [I had to]). So, I began to walk in that direction.

Soon, I could hear voices coming from the common room, including Roman's boisterous voice, Virgil's tired one, and Logan's formal/robotic one. I passed by the kitchen, glancing inside to find, rather unsurprisingly, Patton, who seemed to be baking cookies for the others.

"Hey kiddo! What brings ya to the mind?"

"Hey Pat... I'm looking for Remy. Have you seen him?"

"No, sorry kiddo. Check with the others, they might know!"

"Yeah, thanks Pat."

"No problem kiddo!" I left Patton with his cookies (not after taking some batter, of course), and continued down the hallway until I reached the commons. There, I noticed everyone else. And I mean everyone. There was Virgil, Roman, Logan, Deceit, Picani, Missy,
and Pranks. But still no Remy.

"Hey ladies, sorry I'm late, but I brought Starbies!"

"Fuck Yeah."

"Language Virgil."

"Come on Lo, Pat's not even here."

"But he could still hear you." As those two went on bickering, I was just glad that Remy was here.

"Heyyyy Thomas! You want somethin'? I got your fave!"

"Thanks Rem, but actually I came here to find you."

"Oh? Well do tell, gurl! Whatcha need?"

"Sleep. I need sleep."

"Okay gurl, but give me a sec. I got somethin' I need to do." He discreetly pulled something out of his pocket for me to see. It was glitter. Oh. God.

"Hey ladies!" He called, getting everyone's attention, before throwing a handful of glitter into the air, onto everyone. "Time to sleep!"

"Remy!"- that was Logan.

"What the hell dude?"- that was Virgil. Naturally, these two were irritated by the glitter, but Roman on the other hand...

"I'm just... confused."

"It's sleep powder o' course, darlin'! I am technically the Sandman!"

"Ohhhhhh, okay." Replied Roman, pretending to fall dramatically to sleep, along with Picani, Pranks and Missy. Virgil and Logan were still upset about the tons of glitter everywhere, but their annoyance was much preferred than Deceit's reaction. Deceit just sat there, glaring daggers into Remy. That was, until Roman dramatically fell on top of him. Now, he was just kinda... lying there... under the supposedly 'sleeping' Roman.

"Alright Thomas, we can go sleep gurl, my work here is done."

"Umm... okay..." And with that, we sunk back up to the real world, where I wasn't sure whether I hoped to forget or remember what just happened. All I knew is that Remy and glitter probably shouldn't mix.

Yeah.... I'm not proud of this one...

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