First Date

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Thank you to everyone that answered my question! Since there weren't that many of you, I've tried to tag you all here, so I hope it worked...
@mayadare  — Special thanks to you for telling me I'm not crazy, my mom is. (and also for reassuring me that I wasn't being rude, 'cuz that helped with my anxiety on the subject)😁

TW: A lot of yelling on Virgil's part, crap load of dialogue, Gay™️
Ship: Analogical, Royality, Thomas x Remy (technically)
Human AU, (Does it count as a prompt if I thought it up a long time ago and used that idea to write this? If so, it's a prompt)

Logan is a junior (11th grade), Virgil is a sophomore (10th grade), Roman and Patton are Seniors (12th grade).

Thomas and Remy are Roman and Virgil's Dad and Pa.
Deceit (Declan) is Logan's Father.
Dr. Emile Picani is Patton's Dad.

(Remy, Deceit, and Picani are not actually featured in this fic, but are still a part of the universe, so I mentioned how they fit in above).

Third POV
It was a peaceful afternoon at the Sanders household... then the front door slammed open.


"Geez, Virge, calm down. You're gonna get yelled at."

"Dad doesn't care."

"Um, yes I do. Please don't slam the door, Virge."


"Anyway, Virge, you said you had news?" Roman spoke up.


"What's up?"

"Okay, so, you know that nerd in the eleventh grade?"

"Logan? Yeah, he and Pat are pretty close friends."

"And y'know how I've had the biggest crush on him?"

"Uh, yeah, since, like, forever. It's all you used to talk about with me. I know I love to gossip, but that was a bit excessive."

"Yeah, you get your love of gossip from Pa, but that's not important right now!- He talked to me today!"

"Wow, a whole 'hello' and everything?"

"Now, Roman, be nice." Oops I forgot dad was still here... Virgil thought to himself.

"It's fine dad, but he sat with me at lunch!"

"That's great Virge!"

"Thanks dad, but that's not even the best part!"

"Oh?" Said Roman, now intrigued, rather than sarcastic. "Do tell."

"He. Asked. Me. OUT."

As soon as that last word left Virgil's mouth, two gasps and a single shout of "WHAT?" echoed through the house. No one could actually tell whether the shout came from Roman or Thomas, but it didn't matter- Virgil had a date.

*Time skip- Friday night*

"Virgil, son, you need to calm down."


"Dad, Virge has literally told us that he is the living embodiment of anxiety. I don't think 'calm down' is in his vocabulary."

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