Everything Has Changed

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Missed it. I missed it again. The chance. That one time when everything was perfect, I had the chance to choose but then, I missed it.

He was staring at me, and i was staring back at him too. He called out my name, but no one heard except for me. My lips trembled, tried to move, but nothing happened, no voice came out. I just stood there motionless. And then suddenly someone called my name, I catch my breath wishing it was him but no..it was someone else. Dammit.

I had all the chance to choose but i didn't. Why? i don't know. Was too scared I guess?

I still had that feeling, butterflies in my stomach, my heart beat speeding up like it had no control. Since yesterday everything has changed. Thought I was getting lucky this time but no, i was wrong. Why did he stare at me like he would choose me but didn't say anything. I looked at him when my name was called, no expression on his face, blank and still..kept looking at me..then he looked away and didn't turn back. He acted like nothing happened..great..maybe its just me who's thinking it that way..

Later That Night

'Hey how can you not understand! This is getting worse than ever! John, how can you think that way? HOWWW!!!?? '

'Rebacca! Be quiet! You are being very loud here! Let me expla-'

'No John, ENOUGH! You have gone too far now, Im not staying here any minute, Im leaving!'


Plates throwing,  tables and chairs, everything shattered and messed up. I heard everything. even if my door was locked, even if i had my ear phones on with full volume, i could here them arguing , throwing the dishes, yelling at each other. Its been like this forever now. I barely remember when they were happy together.

My brother barely came home these days, he's always away partying..he used to be a good kid but now he's completely different. Everybody has changed, everything has changed, theres one person who hasn't changed and that's me, Annabelle.

I used to have a happy family, both my parents always loving each other, couldn't bare a second without together. My brother was studious, well in sports, and also mind you, very good looking..He still is but only difference now is that he's not interested in school or anything but just partying..

He came here for summer break, he also got into a good college…

Since this summer break started, everything changed.

My parents, my brother and now my life too..

….I just stood there in my room, staring at the flickering flames of the candle light..my room was completely dark, no lights but just that little candle shining bright. When ever this happened at home, i used to just turn off the lights, lock the door and light a candle. I don't know why that made me feel better, like something hasn't changed, that light its always the same no matter what candle you light up, its always gonna glow the same..it gave me a sense of relief..I felt like that candle..unchanged.

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