Chapter Three

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Yup…6 months past already..i don't even know how slowly it went or how fast it past.

The apartment..i mean my dad's apartment..don't even know what to expect. Everything happened in a blink of an eye. So unreal, yet so true. Do i even deserve this kind of life where i get no love either ways? Who should I even trust now. No that isn't a question, its a statement.

I go room, wasn't that bad. The same old bed, fresh sheets and the cool air blowing in.

*knock *knock.

I turned.



'Um, hey..ah-I-I um do you want anything to eat? its been a long ride. What do you want to eat?'

'No dad I'm not hungry. Thanks.'

'Um okay, call me when you feel hungry alright?'


Yup. That was how our conversations were, similar with mom. Since the divorce, i barely talked to them, let alone anyone. I mean whats the point talking to anyone now, you get close and attach to them once you start communicating with them a lot and then suddenly they leave you and you become dumbstruck and hurt all over again. So simply just not talk to anyone at all.

Hmm, summer breaks started…lets see how my life rolls.

Next day

I headed out for a walk. The weather was kinda chilly but i loved it. The cool breeze, feels like the air is hugging me tight. I don't need a perfect family, all i need is this cool breeze hugging me tight.

WHILE i was completely in my own world, smiling like an idiot and moving back and forth, I turned around and saw someone looking at me. I instantly knew who that was. IT was him. Oh no…someone please kill me.


'Um heyy..' I was totally a red tomato by now, couldn't stop blushing!

'Didn't know someone likes the breeze that much.'

'Urr..' I gave a fake laugh, 'yeah, no i mean..' gave a laugh again, 'just like that..' oh my god.

'Its okay, don't feel embarrassed. I love it too. Feels like the air is hugging you right?' WOAH, did he read my mind or wait did i say that out loud when i was day dreaming..?!

'Umm yeah..did i say that out loud? oh god.'

'hahahaa ..umm yeah…its okay..thats actually true though. I feel the same too.' whyyy…how in the world? what was i even thinking, seriously Annabelle!!

'oh god, I'm sucha weirdo, sorry about that..was just caught up with stuffs..' He smiled. My heart just i think it disappeared. Cuz i don't feel anything. OH god.

'You're Annabelle right? Its funny how we are in the same grade but we barely see each other.'

'Yeah, we don't have much classes together I guess.' 

'Hmm. so umm do you want to hang out with me right now?' OH MY GOD!



We started walking..god how i hate awkward silences..say something Jason.

But of course he said nothing.

So i broke the ice, 'Soo…where are we really going?'

'Oh umm I don't know. Where do you want to go?'

'Umm…Oh yeah! there's this awesome place right around this corner. I think theres a street festival going on! Wanna check that out??' wait why am i being so excited, cool down Annabelle, whats wrong with you!

'Oh sure! lets go!'

People laughing, little kids playing around, speakers in full volume..and him next to was just awesome. that was like the best moment of my life.

'Oh my god Annebelle!! this is the best place ever! Didn't realize it would be this much fun!'

'told you Jason! I love this place..used to come here a lot!' Then i remembered something..those innocent laughter ……..    "Daddy! Daddy! look!

yes honey, isn't it beautiful! Just like my little girl.'

Ryan lets take a family picture! George! Annabelle, go call your brother!

Okay mommy! Georrgieeeeee come here, we are taking a picture!!


Okay, Everybody Smileee! SAY CHEEESE!

CHEEESE!!!!!!! … "

'Hey Annabelle..?' 

"Huh? OH ! sorry, no Just..i just remember something thats all.' 

"Everything okay? You alright??'

'Yeah, yeah Im fine. We should probably go now..its getting late..I should get home soon.

'Oh yeah sure lets go.

We reached the front porch. Jason said good night, I closed the door and went to my room.

I cried to sleep that night. Overwhelmed. What is even life?

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