Chapter 20

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Yuma was glad to have her memories back, but she knew, deep down, that things would never be quite the same as they were before.

The others noticed that she seemed distant, withdrawn at times. She was often writing in a journal she'd gotten in the bag the Akatsuki returned to her, but they assumed she was probably coming up with knew torture techniques for when she returned to work with Ibiki. Just one more week, and she'd be cleared.

Tsunade had already expunged any possible charges that could be made against Yuma in Konaha. It took a lot of convincing, shouting, and strategic bribes to accomplish, but Yuma was once again a whole hearted, loyal Shinobi of Konaha.

That's not to say that all obstacles are null and void. She still had trouble with the occasional villager, once in a blue moon she'd be faced with another assassin, and of course there were multiple different villages trying to get their hands on her for several different reasons.

Currently, Yuma was engaged in a spar with Naruto. Sakura stood off to the side, ready to heal whatever injuries the two sustained, and Kakashi sat off to the side, reading his book under the shade of a tree.

Kakashi, in all honesty, should have remained at the hospital. He had overused his Mangekyo Sharingan, he had trouble moving. He should have been in bed since their return to Konaha, but he'd pushed himself even more for Yuma's sake, and now that she was back in action, he was feeling the effects of his recklessness. Even today, once he'd heard that his students- no, his team- were going to be training, he'd snuck out of his hospital bed to observe, earning a harsh scolding from Sakura, who made sure he knew that after today, he would be put under high guard in that hospital until he was well enough.

He knew that he shouldn't push himself like he's been, but he couldn't help it. After two and a half years of searching, he finally had his baby cousin back home. He was hesitant to leave her side, though soon he wouldn't have any choice. With him in no condition to do missions, the team would be getting a replacement captain for a short period of time, as well as another member. The others knew this, though none were eager for the new additions after they've been reunited. That, however, was a bridge to burn at another time.

"Yuma," a deep, masculine voice called, and the charcoal haired teen hopped away from her sunny haired teammate, who halted his advance to wipe the sweat from his face and turn curiously to the newcomer.

It was Ibiki, dark and intimidating as ever, though his eyes glowed with a slight warmth as the odd girl bound up to him with a wide grin. Her thin arms wound almost painfully around his chest as she beamed up at his significantly taller form.

"Ibi-nii," she cheered, and his lips twitched upwards before he could hide it. "What're you doing here?"

While she was his partner in the Torture and Interrogation team, it was unusual for him to seek her out for anything other than work, it was especially strange for him to interrupt her time with her team now that her memories have returned to her.

"I was sent by the Hokage to retrieve you," Ibiki's eyes darkened, moving to meet the curious gaze of the girl's guardian. "You may want to come as well."

Kakashi was already struggling to get to his feet, and in a moment Yuma was at his side, winding an arm around his waist as she pulled his arm across her shoulders. Kakashi smiled, pocketing his book to free his other hand so that he could ruffle her hair.

"Wait, wait, why does Granny Tsunade want Yuma?" Naruto asked as Sakura also looked imploringly to the dark interrogation captain.

His hard eyes swept over the two before looking to Yuma and Kakashi, the latter of which responding with a small nod.

"Naruto, Sakura, we'll catch you up later," the silver haired jounnin said, looking to them with a somewhat stern expression.


"Hey," Yuma grinned, cutting off Sakura's weak protest and making Naruto pause, as he was obviously getting ready for an argument. "I'll tell you guys everything over some ramen tomorrow, okay? It's probably just work stuff, nothing I can't handle, but I promise I won't leave you guys in the dark."

This seemed to satisfy the pair, but only just barely with Naruto. He still seemed rather unhappy with the prospect, but the promise of an explanation over a bowl or three of ramen had his head bobbing in a reluctant nod.

Naruto and Sakura watched as the trio vanished in a puff of smoke, not missing the even more somber expression that swept over Ibiki Morino's stern face, the wary concern shining in their sensei's visible eye as he leaned on Yuma, who made sure to continuously send the duo an assuring, wide and mischievous grin.

The small group appeared outside of the Hokage's office, and Ibiki knocked solidly three times.

A resounding "Come in," came through the door, and the scarred interrogator pushed open the heavy doors with ease. Immediately, stern and serious brown eyes landed on Kakashi disapprovingly as Yuma's eyes swept over the room, growing sad as memories flooded back. She paid little attention to the inhabitants of the room, instead taking note of how little the office has changed...

"Sneaking out of the hospital again, Kakashi?" Tsunade scolded, and Kakashi, tearing his eyes away from the handful of Sand Village Shinobi- Kazekage included, rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.

"Sakura has already assured me that it won't be happening again, Lady Hokage..."

With a hum, she nodded in response, watching with a softened expression as Yuma moved to get her sensei to a seat.

"Yuma," she called, watching as the rust colored gaze flit to meet her own. She gestured to the guest in the office. "I believe you should remember Gaara?"

Rusty red irises met seafoam green. Yuma's eyes widened as her lips parted in a surprised gasp.


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