Chapter 29

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In the hall, Temari issued strict orders to the guards that had brought her to trial to leave Yuma alone while precautionary goodbyes were said. One began to argue, but she cut him off quick.

"You failed to do your job on the way here by letting the villagers attack her, why the hell would you be concerned about doing your job now? Cause any trouble and you'll be answering to Gaara later, trust me on that," she spat fiercely. The guard back down, albeit begrudgingly. 

Naruto, despite his rage in the trial, was the first to wrap his arms around Yuma in a hug. He trembled, obviously still upset. "You're coming home." he muttered, and Yuma leaned her head against his shoulder since the chakra cuffs restricted her ability to return the hug. 

Giving him very little time to step back, Sakura was next, hugging Yuma tightly as tears flowed freely. "S-Shikamaru was on a mission... I'm sorry, I'm s-sure he wanted to be here..." she sobbed. Yuma smiled as she stepped back. 

"It's okay, Sakura," she sniffed, getting a bit teary herself. "I would have liked to say good bye, but.... I also wasn't expecting any of you to be here, wasn't really eager for you to... well, see me like this." She gestured with slight humor to her almost ruined eye and nasty scar. 

Sakura choked on a sob, trying to pull herself together, and stepped back. 

Kakashi stood still for a moment. Staring at the damage, then the cuffs, and took a deep, shuddering breath. "Hey kiddo..." he started, pausing a moment to clear his throat. "How you holding up?"

"I've been..." she paused, surprised to find a lump in her throat. She cleared her throat to try and hide it, but of course Kakashi noticed. He pulled her in to a tight hug, holding her head to his vest as she began to cry again. "I missed you g-guys." she managed, gasping. "Gaara and his family have kept me company, but... but I..."

"Shhhhh," Kakashi hushed gently. "It's okay, I understand." He leaned back slightly, prompting her to look up at him. He tapped a finger against the top most of her new scar. "How you feeling?" he asked. 

"It's okay," she sniffed. "Aku has it pretty much healed, but I think the scar is staying because of how deep it is... I haven't heard from Aku in months now, Kashi, what if he's hurt?"

Kakashi hummed thoughtfully. He wasn't especially fond of the Akumuchi, of course. It had nearly caused her death a few years back, and again when she'd borrowed it's powers during the Chunnin Exams. But Yuma seems to have gotten close to it, and he was trying to keep things light for her sake. "I'm sure he's fine, but... we can look into communicating with him when we get you home, okay? We have a welcome-home party being set up as we speak, we'll bring him an invitation."

Yuma giggled, still sniffling, but glad Kakashi was here to help her feel better. He almost made her hopeful that she was going home. 

If only she was as certain. 

As the doors began to open, everyone immediately turned their attention to it. Everyone was ushered back inside, and directed to return to their previous places. 

Yuma looked at all the councilmen, and while many of them looked satisfied, she couldn't tell if that was a good thing. She couldn't read Gaara's expression, but her stomach sank as she noticed him actively avoiding her gaze.

"Yuma Hatake," Sanjo began, staring her down with an unreadable expression. She regarded him carefully. As nerves began to settle in, she felt her nails slice through the bandages around her palms as fresh blood soaked into the already crimson fabric. 

"Y-Yes," she choked, realizing the extended pause was him waiting for a response. He nodded once, then looked to Gaara for him to continue. 

"As you were aware entering this room, as well as arriving in my village," The Kazekage began, still avoiding Yuma's gaze as he stared just above her head, not even the tone of his voice giving anything away. "Many of my villagers, as well as the council members in this room, all wanted a no trial execution as punishment for your crimes against Sunagakure. After much deliberation, we have come to a conclusion..."

He paused for a moment too long, and Yuma's shoulders slumped. 

That's it. Just as she suspected, she wasn't going home.

As Gaara moved to meet her gaze- finally- to break the bad news. Time stopped, and Yuma briefly wondered if her thundering heart was actually a heart attack, and she'd just died from it. 

Not so fast, brat. If you'd died, I wouldn't be here. 

She almost screamed at the sudden, yet familiar voice echoing in her head. His presence had never left, but she hadn't talked to him in so long, she'd almost forgotten the deep hissing, raspy voice he held. 

"Aku," she whispered, eyes wide. 

Don't worry about me for now. Look to the Kage-brat, for now.

As time seemed to continue, and she shakily looked at Gaara, his eyes locked with hers, and the corner of his lips turned up slightly. 

"Yuma Hatake," he started, and a bright light shown in his seafoam eyes. "The movement for your execution as been overruled. You will be free to return to Konahagakure, under the one exception that you never turn against your village again, and continue your life as a faithful shinobi. Do you accept these terms?"

Yuma didn't realized her jaw had dropped. The pressure in her stomach had lifted so quickly she felt dangerously light-headed. She swayed, and Kankuro stepped forward to put a steadying hand on her shoulder. "I... I get to go home?"  she stammered in shock. She looked at the council again, hoping the declaration wasn't some cruel joke. Some smiled, most held neutral expressions  but nodded in confirmation, but her attention trained on Sajo the most. He still held the unreadable expression, but responded to her question with a steady voice. 

"Do you accept these terms?" he asked, waiting for her to respond. 

"Y-Yes!" she said quickly, bowing deeply in gratitude as Naruto cheered from the back of the room. "Thank you all, thank you so much!"

"Let it be known that if you break these agreements, you will return to Sunagakure for an execution," Gaara said, not sounding especially concerned. "Do you understand, Yuma?"

Yuma jumped back up so suddenly she almost gave herself whiplash. She stumbled again, but Kankuro once again steadied her with a hand on her should. She heard Temari sigh in relief behind her, and Kankuro gave her shoulder a slight squeeze. 

"Yes, I understand!" she beamed, practically vibrating in place. She met his gaze gratefully, and he offered another small smile that disappeared almost immediately. 

"Then I will make an announcement to the crowd outside," he said. "I will inform them that no harm is to come to you as you leave the building or the village." He moved towards what Yuma believed to be doors leading to a balcony outside, but halfway there he turned back to Yuma. "And while I congratulate your freedom, my friend, don't think you've gotten out of our spar."

If Yuma could smile any wider, her face would split in half. "I was just about to remind you, Panda-chan! You better bring your best, and don't be too hurt when I kick your butt!"

Gaara quirked an amused brow at her before turning back to the doors. Some councilmen chuckled, most were on their way out, but Yuma jogged towards Sajo. 

As she approached, he regarded her carefully. She paused, then lifted her cuffed hands to scratch awkwardly at her neck. "I...I am really sorry about your son... I understand if you still hate me." She jumped as he pat her shoulder, and walked past her, and out the door, without another word. 

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