Chapter 21

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To Yuma's surprise and confusion, a splash of amusement lit up Gaara's otherwise somber expression. Around him were security nin, his siblings, and Ebizo, brother to the late Lady Chiyo.

"You remember the nickname you gave me?" He asked slowly, studying her.

Gaara could recall her voice from his abduction, remembered getting a mere glance at her face somewhere in the chaos. He'd heard her more than seen her; witty and dark quips towards her comrades at the time, curious questions, confused and enraged demands as he'd floated in and out of consciousness.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. There was something gnawing at her brain, something she couldn't quite get. Her gaze, for some reason, kept drifting down to his sleeve, as though it would hold the answers.

"You've changed," she muttered, staring blatantly at his new demeanor. He wore a hat similar in structure to the one Gramps always wore, the hat she'll spot Tsunade sporting from time to time, but his was green in color, with a different symbol at the front. He was obviously higher on the food chain since she'd last seen him, but that's not what she was referring to.

In a moment, she'd vanished, drawing gasps from a few and unintentionally raising the tension in the air as she reappeared before him, her hands clasped behind her back as she peered into his eyes and he stared unwaveringly back.

"Yuma-" Kakashi called, reading the atmosphere, but he cut himself off, trying to stand as one of the guard nin drew a kunai.

"Stop," Gaara said calmly, and Yuma smiled as the kunai stopped, inches from her throat the hand holding it secured at the wrist by the ever-intimidating Ibiki, who now stood by her side with a lethal glare. Kakashi relaxed slightly, but fixed the offending nin with a steely glare.

"You're happy," Yuma said, her voice light as she tilted her head at him. She thought she saw his lips quirk at one corner, but he hid it well. "You're not nearly as angry as I remember, Panda-chan." Her rust colored gaze left his seafoam green orbs, looking to the nin who kept his kunai palmed, staring at her.

Brow quirking in amusement, she let her eyes drift over the other guards, the old man that was staring at her as though he were searching her soul, the stern looking blonde girl that struck a familiar cord with her, and the painted face of the boy with a cat like hood.

A memory flit across her mind as she stared that the hooded boy.

"Give Gaara back," he'd growled. There was an unintelligible warbling of a conversation as she'd stared at him, searching for answers, and his gaze had found her, widening in recognition. "Yuma? Hey! What're you-!"

Give Gaara back- that's what he had said when they'd acquired the target.

Give Gaara back.

Give Gaara back.


Yuma stumbled back as though she'd been slapped, her gaze darting back to the steady gaze of the one she'd, just a month prior, been targetting. "It was you..."

Gaara watched her, staring, and nodded once. She stepped away again, looking like she were going to be sick, and Ibiki released the guard to turn and take her shoulder in a steadying  grip.

"Yuma," Kakashi grunted, trying again to push himself to his feet, but a look of warning from Tsunade had him grudgingly settling once again.

Yuma understood now. She understood why she was brought here.

"You're here for what I did," she stated, almost numbly as she stared at them.

Gaara nodded again. "If you were only part of my abduction, I would have dropped the matter, seeing as you clearly weren't of your own mind when you did so," as he spoke, the light in his piercing gaze grew dimmer, and his solemn face went stony. "But you also killed many of my people. Yuma Vex, I'm afraid I'm here to take you into custody."

"She was brainwashed!" Kakashi spat, forgetting his place as he tried to force himself to his feet.

"Lord Kazekage," Tsunade said lowly, walking to Kakashi's side and forcing him back into his seat with a hand on his shoulder. Her face was dark, and gloomy. "I must ask that you please reconsider."

Gaara regarded her with an almost regretful expression, but quickly hid it as he shook his head. "Taking her in is the best I could do. The council and elders were insisting on an immediate execution for her crimes, and I'm doing my best to change their minds. She'll be taken to Sunagakure until we've decided how we'll be dealing with her. I'm sorry."

"You can't-!" Kakashi began, but Tsunade gave his shoulder a painful squeeze, shaking her head when he looked to her. "She didn't know, they had her brainwashed," he insisted.

"Kid?" Ibiki grunted, drawing everyone's attention back to Yuma, who was trembling violently, fists clenched and head ducked.

"I'll go," she muttered.

"No!" Kakashi barked as his stomach dropped. "The only place you're going is home!"

"Shut up..."


"Shut up!" She snapped, and he fell silent as her voice broke. "I didn't have to kill them, my only job was to ensure they wouldn't follow us. I killed them... it was my choice," as she spoke, she grew quieter and quieter. She lifted her head, and gave a sullen smile to Ibiki before shrugging out of his hold. "I'm going."

"Thank you," Gaara nodded was he allowed one of his guards to secure her hands behind her back. She winced as he did so with more force than necessary, but said nothing, and Gaara looked to the ninja sternly. "No unnecessary force, that's an order."

Grudgingly, the Shinobi nodded.

"No, no, please," Kakashi begged, leaning forward imploringly as Tsunade's iron grip kept him firmly seated. "You can't, she just got home... please..."

"Can I say goodbye?" Yuma asked Gaara quietly, and after studying her a moment, he nodded, motioning for the guard gripping her arm to back off for the moment.

Yuma turned to where Kakashi sat, walking to him and falling to her knees before his seat. Tsunade released his shoulder so he could fall forward, wrapping his arms tightly around her as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"We'll get you back," he swore, not bothering to lower his voice as it trembled with emotion. "We'll figure this out, and get you home for good."

"Good bye, Kashi," Yuma muttered into his shoulder, and he felt her unique tears seeping into the fabric of his shirt."I love you. Tell the team I'm sorry, I won't be talking to them any time soon."

"I love you too, Yuma, you'll be home soon, okay?"

She said nothing, pulling away only after a few more minutes had passed. She climbed to her feet, crimson tears carving harsh lines down her pale cheeks as she nodded to Tsunade, who returned her hand to Kakashi's shoulder. Turning, she moved to Ibiki, leaning into his chest as his arms wrapped around her, his larger physique almost hiding her from the entire room in a rare bout of affection.

"I didn't get to go back to work after all," she sniffled, and his hold on her tightened as he glared at the group of Sand nin.

"You will," he grunted. "Soon."

With a shaky sigh, she pulled away, leaving the center of his broad chest darkened with her rare tears. He ruffled her hair before she stepped back, and the security nin took hold of her arm once again.

"I'm sorry," Gaara said again, and the group left the office.

Kakashi slumped forward, only remaining in his seat with the sturdy grip of Tsunade as he stared fully at the floor.

"Not again," he muttered as Ibiki stared out the window, watching the group herd Yuma away with a bitter gaze. Tsunade closed her eyes, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Not again..."

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