Chapter 24

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The air was cold, but clean, unlike how it should have been, down in her freshly gore-coated cell. This is the first thing Yuma noticed upon awakening.

As she roused, she tried to open her eyes, but white-hot pain pulsed behind her right eyelid. In her groggy state, a whimper escaped as that wave of agony triggered the rest of her wounds to make themselves known as well, and another whimper tore from her parched lips.

"So you can feel pain," a raspy voice hummed, and the urge to open her eyes sent another shock of pain to her eye. "You'll want to avoid trying your right eye. It was nearly damaged beyond repair, but the medics got to it in time for it to still function. Still, you'll want to avoid using it for a while, until the pain goes away."

"Panda-chan?" Yuma croaked, blinking open her left eye- a difficult task to achieve without moving the right. She was blinded by light and gave heavy a groan of displeasure before a sudden shade was cast over her. "Where am I?" She asked as she worked the sleep from the uninjured, rust colored orb. It was his Kage hat that protected her from the bright lights as he held it over her, and as her gaze met his, she saw regret twisting within the piercing eyes.

"The hospital," he answered quietly, and she nodded in understanding, grimacing as the deep lacerations in her flesh stretched and pulled, healed enough not to reopen too easily, but still tender and sensitive to movement. "Why didn't you defend yourself?"

"I've killed enough of your people," she shrugged, wincing slightly. "Didn't want to add to the list. I wanna go home eventually."

"He's in custody now," Gaara told her. "Charged for attempted murder and aggravated assault." His gaze took in her battered appearance, and guilt left a bitter taste in his mouth. "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry," Yuma chuckled. "I slaughtered your villagers, so you were a good leader and locked me away. Do you always treat your criminals so kindly?"

She saw his lips twitch as she grinned at him, and watched as he fought off the small smile.

"Do you always joke around while you're hospitalized?" He retorted, and she snorted softly in amusement.

"More or less," she replied, shrugging and grimacing as her wounds pulsated with agony. "So, what now, Panda-chan?"

He frowned, still holding his hat over her to shield her from the light. "You'll remain here until you're healed, then spend the remainder of your time living in my home, where we can keep an eye on you until your fate is decided."

Grinning humorously, her eye shone with silent laughter. "Inviting a murderer into your home? Is that a wise decision for the Kazekage to make?"

"I'd feel better returning you to your village in one piece. I feel like anything else and Naruto wouldn't be very happy with me."

She couldn't tell if he was serious, or not. Nevertheless, her smile fell, and she gazed at him with a somewhat somber look in her eye.

"Can I ask... how things are looking for me?"

After a moment, Gaara sighed. "The council is still fighting for an execution, but I'm doing my best to get you home. I think I'm starting to sway them, but... It may take a while."

Nodding, Yuma watched as he stood, placing his hat back on his head. "Thank you, Panda-chan... and I'm sorry for killing your people."

"I thought you enjoyed killing," he rasped softly, staring at her with an expression akin to confusion. "Why are you sorry?"

"I enjoy killing the people that I feel deserve it," Yuma corrected with a rueful smile. "At the time, I saw them as pesky hurdles we'd have to jump in order to complete the mission, but now, looking back, I am sorry. They were only trying to protect their homes, and families. I know the feeling, all too well. And, I'm sorry for hurting you."

"Even after the Chunnin Exams?" Gaara asked, brow raising towards the girl.

"Your village was following who they thought to be their leader," Yuma shrugged. "Honestly, if Gramps had asked me to slaughter anyone, I doubt I would have turned him down. I don't blame you all for following orders, it's Orochimaru that I blame for the attack."

"I'm glad, but that's not what I meant," Gaara sat down again, leaning forward with his elbows against his knees as he stared at her with a steady gaze. "You said you were sorry for my getting hurt. We didn't leave off on the best terms back then, so why?"

Yuma rolled her eyes, smirking as she playfully jeered at him. "You're not a very good actor, Panda-chan, and you weren't back then, either. I figured it out while I was in the Asylum, before..." She trailed off slightly, but shook her head and continued. "You said cruel things, but that day in the alley, you saved me. Those villagers could have killed me, but you stepped in. If you really didn't care, you would have let them do it." She watched as his brows shot up, the only indication of his surprise. "I think you were just scared to be my friend, especially with the attack about to happen."

He was silent a moment, but soon he gave a deep, raspy chuckle. "You're a lot more observant than you let on."

Yuma grinned. "Thanks Panda-chan. And thank you for helping me."

Nodding at her, he reached forward and, in a greatly uncharacteristic manner, ruffled her hair. "As I said, Naruto would be upset with me if I let much else happen to you. Him, your sensei, your whole team. Not to mention your boyfriend."

He watched, amusement seeping into his gaze a slightly red tint filled her cheeks.

"How'd you..."

Rolling his eyes in a somewhat sarcastic fashion, he stood and turned for the door. "Anyone paying attention at the Chunnin Exams could tell. Now rest."

And he left her smiling at the ceiling contently.

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