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okay but seriously @ my last chapter thing

i kinda ?? need help ig

like every time I get a notification i kinda hope it's from him and it makes me want to cry bc i know i don't have a crush on him like it's obvious to me that i don't and + he has a girlfriend lmao but anyways ?? maybe im just so fucking lonely that i get excited when he messages me bc im scared he'll stop liking me

I've probably already ruined everything bc I post stupid shit ?? About feelings and he asked if i was alright and I just

I feel bad I don't want him to care about me but i also do :/ it's just so stupid i just want to seem like a normal person and not fucking crazy

There's so much more I wanna say about this but I wanna stop thinking about it so I'm not gonna write about it but I fucking hate this because I want people to care about me but I also don't want any attention from anyone at all ever

now just watch me listen to lovesong by the cure and and the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen on repeat for three hours

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