Chapter 4

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Hi, my literature consuming lovelies! Welcome back!
And the winner is...

@Extra_Introverted! Thank you for your comments! Another winner will be chosen soon, just as my way to say thank you for tolerating my crazy imagination. So, thank you, and I love you all. ❤️❤️❤️

Alright now, all this writing has been exhausting, but then again, I only contain proper creative whimsy at approximately 10:30 PM to 3:00 AM. Oh well. Anyways, here is another chapter! Yay! I'm sorry I couldn't get it done before I left, but life is insane. I know the last chapter was confusing at the end. But have no fear! We do have a final destination in mind people! Okay, happy reading,


Neil would do anything for him.

(Surprise) Neil POV 

What was going on? Neil was so confused. Andrew was the boy who had held him and all of his problems up without complaining or breaking a sweat. He was the self destructive boy who didn't let himself feel or show emotion. He was an instigator at heart and he enjoyed fighting. He could do anything. He was practically invincible in a fight, and unbeatable on the court, even if he only tried about 5% of the time. That boy doesn't cry, and doesn't even let himself feel happiness, or accomplishment, or contentment, because he is afraid to have it ripped away again. This isn't that boy.

The boy before Neil is broken. And he had been that way for so long, he doesn't know what it feels like to be okay again. And Neil thinks, that maybe, just maybe, he is afraid. Maybe Andrew is afraid to get better, because he doesn't know who he is behind all the  apathy and anger. When that fades, who is he, really? Neil knows. But he thinks, that he'll just have to let Andrew find out on his own. Neil will support him along the way, and lead him in the right direction, but this is a leap Andrew has to take for himself. A leap that, if he doesn't take it, will destroy him.

As all this is collecting in Neil's brain, he doesn't notice that Andrew has stopped crying. After a few minutes, Neil realizes, and recoils, thinking that Andrew needs space, and this time, he is absolutely right. Andrew shuffles back out of Neil's space as far as he can without kneeling in the mud by the stream.

Andrew breathes deeply, in and out, trying to put an end to his hiccuping. Once he calms down and his breathing returns to normal, there is only silence... until Neil breaks it.

"Wanna go back?"

"I don't know." Andrew replies after a moments hesitation.

"It's a long ways. You ran for several hours." Neil points out.

"I know." Is his only response, and Neil doesn't push him.

Andrew POV

Can I go home? Of course not... could I? Maybe. Andrew holds a mental debate with himself, considering each of his teammates reactions to the atrocity that was his crumbling psyche. He focused on Nicky more than the others.

After a few minutes of pure silence, and careful deliberating, Andrew makes a decision.

"I'm tired. Let's go."


Then silence. The two boys stand up simultaneously and turn towards the road. It's late, so the road is completely deserted. And so they walk. Back the way they came.

--- TIME SKIP --- 15 MINUTES ---

After a few miles, Andrew starts to slow down, and Neil notices. Andrew was absolutely dying. He had run for hours according to Neil, and that took a serious toll on Andrew's energy. He had been trying to hide how tired he was, but Andrew just wasn't built for long distance, especially considering how emotionally exhausting this night had been. And just to put the icing on the cake, he had left before they had gotten a chance to eat, so the last time he had consumed any sort of nutrition had been far too long ago.

"Let's take a break. Okay?" Neil suggests, to Andrew's relief.


They sit by the curb, and simply enjoy each other's presence for a few minutes. Eventully, Andrew stands and starts off down the road again, and Neil follows. Andrew really wants to just fall asleep on that sidewalk, no matter how rough and hard it was on his bones. He was just so damn tired. He only lasted a few more miles before he had to stop again. This happened a few more times, when Neil had seen enough. He just sighed when Andrew had to stop for the fourth time. As Andrew headed for the curb, Neil went after him and scooped him up bridal style. At first, Andrew tried to get back on his feet, but Neil gave him a 'yes or no?' Before he could say anything.

"Um... yeah. Yes." He said, unsure. Neil didn't start walking.

"You sure?" 

"Yes." Andrew decided. He was exhausted, and Neil was better at long distance traveling than Andrew. And right now? He was stronger than Andrew too.

"Off we go then."

For a few minutes, it was awkward having Andrew be so close to Neil. But that soon faded. Andrew finally relaxed his muscles, and looped his arms around Neil's neck. They walked in silence for a while, not speaking, only listening to each other's breathing, until Andrew decided that this wasn't some random stranger, and this wasn't the bad people either. This was Neil, and Andrew could trust him. Neil would get them home in one piece.

I know I always say he is an idiot and a junkie, but in all honesty, if he was, he would be dead by now. Who is Andrew saying this to? Oh, no one. Himself. Maybe he is narrating his own mental diary. Who knows.

So, Andrew lets his mind drift, and his arms relax their hold on Neil's neck, and after a few more miles, Andrew Minyard falls asleep in his boyfriend's loving arms.

He thinks, for a moment that he hears a quiet 'Goodnight' breathed into his hair, followed by 'I love you'. But no, it must be his imagination. Yeah, definitely. His imagination.

Hey again dear reader. Again, it sounds like the soft sweet ending, but nope! As always, there's more! Just wait. The end is going to be good, trust me. Patience young ones. Alrighty now, Chao!


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