Chapter 5

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Hi again my lovelies! Thank you for the votes! Okay, so this chapter is... weird. I'm really just trying to wrap it up. I want to finish it, but I'm not crazy about the idea, nor the way it's going, but I won't leave you hanging like that. I have better stories to work on too. So we'll just see where this goes. Enjoy!


Yeah, definitely. His imagination.

When Andrew awoke, it was to the sound of a phone ringing. The ringtone was the one Andrew had given Neil for his new phone. The song about runaways. Andrew didn't know why he didn't change it. He would have thought that it would be a reminder of his time on the run. That boy was a mystery.

Andrew was about to open his eyes, to tell Neil to shut it up, when he finally answered. So Andrew kept still and pretended to be asleep. Andrew heard the unmistakable voice of their coach, but couldn't make out what he said, so Andrew settled on deciphering the full conversation from Neil's words.

"He's fine. I've got him." Neil said before Wymack could give him a speech about how the others had not found him yet. Andrew had figured out by this time that Wymack would have sent his teammates after him when he saw the state he was in. He was glad that it was Neil that found him. Andrew wasn't ready to face the other Foxes yet.

Wymack's response was absolutely clear this time when he said "Is this your definition of fine, or the real definition?"

Neil, being a smart ass and all, responded with a repetition of his 'Fine' bullshit. Of course. Idiot.

After a minute of listening, Andrew could practically hear Neil rolling his eyes as he sighed.

"Really, he's fine. I'm bringing him home now. Just... listen. Don't pester him with questions. He has a problem, no doubt about it, I've never seen him like this either, but he is the strongest person I have ever met. He will get through this, trust me. And I'll help him, when he needs it, and until he does, I'll make sure he stays safe. Listen, he kept me safe, supported me, helped me, when I was in need of it. I will repay that debt and do the same. You know I'm right. So let him be." He waited for confirmation and then concluded the call, with a 'Be back soon'. There was the sound of Neil's phone snapping shut, and then, only silence.

Then, Neil sighed. His phone vibrated with a mass amounts of texts from the Foxes, they must be worried about the two missing boys. Once the insistent nonstop vibrating stopped, Neil sighed again.

"I'll just pretend that I have bad reception", he whispered. His words were intended only for his own ears, but they reached Andrew's as well. He had to refrain from laughing at this. Why was he so cheery all of a sudden? Andrew could scarcely remember the last time he had laughed. Of course this wasn't true, eidetic memory and all, but it felt like it was farther back than a normal person could remember their childhood. I guess that's what happens when you express emotions you had suppressed for so long to someone who you love. He thought, and then drifted off to sleep again.

Finally!!! That took forever! I've been working on it but by little bit all week. I've been so busy, that it became every five minutes in between clases. Oh well. Okay, so I thought that I would finish it with this chapter, but it just became a filler, and I thought that this was a good ending place. I'll try to update soon, don't worry my dear reader. Love ya! <3


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