No control

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  "What do you mean you're just Chara? You have to have come from somewhere?" Asgore asked, trying to get the boy to say something, anything, that would remind him of the real Chara. "Although you do look like him, I can't tell what kind of monster are you?"

Chara pulled against his restraints again, knowing it was no use. He couldn't escape unless he could somehow manage to tear it or undo it. Asgore noticed this, realizing it must hurt the boy to be pulling so hard, but did nothing to loosen them. After all, there was no point in trying to make him feel comfortable when they were going to try to destroy him.

"It doesn't matter where I come from, or why I do the things I do. You can't save me, nor can you destroy me. All these questions about who I am won't change me. I am simply a monster. I will eradicate this world, and move on to the next." Chara made sure to meet his father's eyes, making it clear that he wasn't joking around. "Humans, just as easily as you pathetic monsters, deserve to die just as much for what happened to me. After all, I am nothing more than the devil's child, right? That was all I was ever going to be."

Something about those words struck a chord in Asgore's heart. He briefly remembered the time when he overheard Chara mention something like that to Asriel. It was as if Chara was afraid to only be known as that. Almost as if he needed someone to tell him otherwise. Of course, that was back when Chara first fell down Mt. Ebott. 

"You didn't use to be a devil's child. You used to be my son, Chara Dreemur. You had a family that loved you, a home to come back to, and even friends to play with." Taking another look at the locket, Asgore couldn't help but ask. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill so many lives? Did you really hate us that much?"

Chara took one look at Asgore's face, figuring his next words would finally get through to him. If he can get this softy of a king to give up on him, then surely he could do the same with Frisk. He can't change, no matter how much he wants to. He can't stop, no matter how much they cry. The voices in his head were not his own, and even if he didn't want to hurt anyone, it was too much. 

"I was responsible for killing Asriel all those years ago. He was my first kill." Chara gave a little smile, as if the thought of it amused him. "Funny thing was that we only did it so that we could help you guys get free. Turned out pretty well, don't you think? By helping me, your real son died." Chara let out a small laugh, watching as all hope for the former boy he used to be drained out of Asgore's eyes. "Same thing will happen to Frisk if he's not careful."

Unable to find the words to speak to him anymore, Asgore walked away from the boy, joining the girls as they watched over Chara from a distance. He could see their concern all over their faces as they stared back at him.

"Asgore, are you sure about this? Despite everything he's done, he's still Chara." Alphys couldn't help but ask this. After all, despite his claim in the beginning, she has done her own research to prove his identity. He really was the first human, the one that started it all. "I-I'm not doubting you, or anything l-like that. I-it's just that I-I don't want to do something you would regret later."

"If I could, I would avoid this situation altogether. The thought of killing anyone makes me sad, but we can not let this impostor ruin Chara's name. This kid isn't my boy, not anymore." Taking a breath, Asgore fixed his resolve before looking back up. With a loud voice, he met Chara's empty eyes. "Chara, you are responsible for the deaths of many good monsters, especially Sans and the young prince, Asriel Dreemur. For your crimes, I hereby sentence you to death. May you return from wherever you came from."

Still unsure about this, Alphys watched as Undyne stepped forward, spear in hand. She watched in horror as the girl of her dreams raised her spear over him, ready to bring it down, only to stop over him. She noticed how Chara started to whisper something to her, his smile growing on his face. Looking over at Asgore, she noticed that he could see it too. Even when facing death right in the face, Chara could smile as if it were nothing.

Across the timelines [an Undertale Fanfic] (revised)Where stories live. Discover now