Chapter 19

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It eventually took some days to make the sickness go away but when it finally did, three days later, Sierra was beyond grateful for it. Not only had she missed lot of important rehearsals, the first in the theatre, and all, but she had also missed the fact of moving into the theatre. It was always so fun, and everyone were always so excited. Now Sierra could not go thinking about that all the time, she was quite thrilled to see her dressing room and to move in her things. Yesterday, when she decided that she would go to work tomorrow if she had a nice night of sleep, she had packed a bag with things for her dressing room. Just now as she was going to the theatre, she had called her yoga teacher saying that she needed to be at work extra early and wanted to skip yoga pass today. It was a bit sad, but she did not think that much of it since she had so many other fun things to do today. The weather was amazing, the sun high on the clear blue sky. Sierra loved walking to work, it was a good way of spending time outside to relax before having to do kind of stressful days, but funny of course.

Opening the door to the theatre Sierra was amazed since she hadn't been here before. It was big and beautiful. Sierra could feel herself get excited just by seeing the stage. This was going to be fun. She had no clue where the other people were or how to get backstage, and luckily for her Ali walked by, so Sierra ran up to her. Sierra still found it a little hard seeing her because of when she found her and Ramin together on the sofa, but she pushed the though away and tried to ignore the lump in her stomach.

- Ali! she almost shouted so Ali would not walk away and leave Sierra there.

Ali turned her head in surprise then when she saw that it was Sierra smiled at her and waited so she would have time to walk up.

- Good to see that you are feeling better Sierra, we have missed you here.

Sierra wondered of how specific that really was but kept on talking.

- It is nice to be back.

- Ramin is going to be exited at least; Ali said giving Sierra a smile she could not quite place.

Hearing this made Sierras day better already, of course didn't it mean anything but maybe, just maybe it did. No, Sierra you cannot think like this! Wishing only mourners the heart.

Ali showed her to her dressing room which was small. It had a make-up bench in the left corner, with a little on with a mirror above, Sierra smiled when she saw that this one in fact had bulbs all around. Like you always imagined it would be like as a kid. The walls were white and empty, but with a nail sticking out here and there where the person who was here last probably have had pictures. It was good, then Sierra only could put up her paintings and photos there without needing to do the work. There also was a yellow sofa in the right corner beside the hanger. A yellow one, of all the colours, but why not? Sierra sat down in the sofa admiring the room and placing her bag to the side when a familiar figure walked into her room. He had big smile on his face when he said;

- Ali said I would find something here I would like.

- Not really something, but someone; Sierra answered with an even bigger smile. Nice of you to drop by, you could help me with decorating my room.

Ramin sat down beside her in the sofa laughing. Sierra took that as a yes and started packing things up from her bag. Ramin seemed impressed by all the things Sierra could fit into a bag that small when she picked up thing after thing. Sierra liked filling her room with stuff that were important to her and stuff that reminded her of fun times in her life. It made the dressing room more like home. So, the first thing she did was to jump to her feet with some Barbra Streisand posters in her hands, exited to put them on her wall.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now