Chapter 25

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It was late, around 12, but he and Sierra were still awake playing cards. He didn't want her to leave and it didn't seem as she wanted to either, so they just continued. Did this mean that she liked him? It was such a stupid question, he knew that she didn't and would never do. And even if she would, nothing would ever happen between them because he was such a coward and didn't dare to ask her out. She probably just liked his company and nothing more, though it was kind of suspicious that she stayed for so long even if she didn't have to.

Suddenly Sierra let out a yawn and Ramin looked at the clock. Oh god! It was almost half past one and they had rehearsals and previews the following day. He looked back at her and saw that she looked extremely tired.

- Sie, it's half past one. We should maybe go to sleep.

- What?! she exclaimed looking wide awake. I have to go home then.

- No!

He immediately blushed. Why did he have to say that? Sure, he wanted her to stay but he just sounded desperate and she probably didn't want to stay. She gave him a questioning look and he added:

- I mean, you could stay here if you want to. It's very late and...

- Are you sure? she asked.

- Of course.

She looked relieved and, if he saw it correctly, hopeful. Wondering why, he stood up and then helped her out of the bed. They made their way towards the bathroom and as if would be the most normal thing in the world they brushed their teeth together. Normally, he would have let her be by herself, but he was too tired to even think about it and Sierra didn't seem to mind, so he just let it be. When they were done Sierra started to wash the little make-up she wore off her face and Ramin went out of the bathroom. Just as Sierra entered the bedroom he slowly realised that he didn't have an extra bed or mattress. He only had his own bed left since the boys had occupied the couch. Panic started building in his chest and he felt sweat being produced. Good job Ramin! Now she would never want to stay, he couldn't just force her to sleep with him. Standing in the middle of the bedroom thinking hard for a solution he probably looked like an idiot because Sierra gave him a wondering look.

- Ramin, you look like you've seen a ghost. What is it?

He blushed slightly. What was he supposed to tell her? What was he supposed to do? Different ways of telling her raced through his mind and he blurted out:

- Ehhh, I don't have any extra mattress or anything, you know. I only have my own bed so if you wanna stay we could sleep together or if you don't want to I can drive you home because you most likely don't want to, and I don't force you to either...

Ahhhrgg, why did he have to say "we could sleep together"? Could he be more stupid? He knew she definitively would not like to stay now when he said that.

- Ramin; she cut him off. It's okay, we could sleep together. I don't mind.

Sierra was very red in the face, but she seemed... happy for some reason. She looked as if she was unsure if this was real but still seemed determined to do it. Ramin didn't understand anything. Did she hate him or what just happened? Or did she maybe, just maybe, like him? He didn't even dare thinking about it because it felt like she could read his mind. Not sure what to do he walked over to her and hugged her. What was he doing? All he wanted to do was to sink through the ground, but weirdly she hugged him back. He stepped back awkwardly and walked over to his cupboard with clothes.

- Do you wanna borrow a shirt? he asked trying to break the silence.

- Sure.

He handed her the same t-shirt she had used the last time she stayed at his place and she walked over to the other side of the room starting to peel of her shirt. Surprised that she didn't want him to leave the room he stared at her but realised that she maybe would like some privacy, so he turned around. All he wanted to do was to continue looking at her, but that would just be weird, they were only best friends after all. Following Sierra's lead, he too started to take off his shirt and his pants. At first, he just wanted to jump into bed in just boxers, but on a second thought he put on a pair of sweat pants. If they would sleep together as friends, it would be quite disrespectful if he slept in just underpants.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now