Chapter 35

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Sierra woke up early that morning and did not want to wake Ramin. He slept heavily, and he deserved a long sleep. She did not recall going to bed last night, woops, she might have fallen asleep on Ramin. He hopefully did not mind, Sierra guessed that he did not, but she felt a little guilty for leaving him alone. But now was a new day and Sierra was that kind of person that woke up, well, awoke. No need for coffee or anything like that, but something she liked to do in the morning was yoga. Like a nice start, both for the body and the spirit. Quietly she tripped out of the bed slowly bed and walked over the dark room to the door but on the way took some clothes to do yoga in. Since Sierra slept here more than one time each week both her and Ramin had decided that it would be easier if she just brought some of her stuff with her. Like clothes, a toothbrush and a little makeup, in case she would sleep here before a normal workday. Just as she was getting started in Ramin's living room, when she was standing on both hands and feet, her phone rang from the table. Who would be calling her this time in the morning, she prayed it did not wake the kids or Ramin up but smiled when she saw it was her father Mike calling her;

- Hallo?

- Hi, I hope I don't bother you.

- No, it's alright.

Sierra placed herself in the brown sofa waiting for her dad to go on;

- Mom and I was wondering if you could come visit us on Saturday, the day after tomorrow? Just to keep things on track.

She would have to ask Ramin since they had decided something that day, but she bet it would be alright. Sadly, Sierra did not see her parents that often because they did not live in the same town, and Sierra had a kind of hectically evenings. That was the downside to be a Broadway star, when everybody was free you worked, and the other way around so it was hard meeting up with family and friends. Ramin would surly understand that.

- Of course, I would love to come, can you send a message with the times later?

- Yes, of course. See you.

- Bye.

After the call Sierra finished her yoga in silence not wanting to wake the others up. Outside the sun was starting to rise making the sky turn completely orange in the horizon. Like the sun was a golden egg that had been broken, Sierra just simply loved the nature and all that. That was something she always would feel oddly grateful for. Doing yoga on mornings did make time pass by so fast. One moment it was early morning and the other the sky was bright blue and the sun was high.

Sierra started making pancakes, she knew Ramin would love that. When she was in the middle of turning the bowl upside down to make one last pancake of the tiny bit of batter left Ramin walked into the kitchen. She had been alone for quite a time so seeing Ramin made her extremely happy. Ramin had clearly just woken up judging by his tired expression, but his face lit up when he saw the menu this morning. You are never too old for pancakes. Ramin gave her a light kiss on the cheek and only that little act of love made Sierra's stomach turn of happiness. It was still strange to Sierra to wake up like this, being with someone you love. It was a complete whole new deal, but somehow it had been so easy getting used to it, it had just felt so natural. Waking up with Ramin, sometimes going for a walk in the park and sometimes just starting the day watching a tv-show. All of it felt normal and right, so normal and so right. The hopes that it did bring in Sierra's head was unbelievable, but hope was hope and it somehow found it's way through everything. Sierra placed herself at the table and after a slight conversation she remembered that her father had called earlier that day;

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now