Jaehee x Transsexual! Reader

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I lay in my bed and I sigh heavily. I curl up into a ball and stay there confused with myself.

Something feels wrong. Something always had. There always seemed to be something missing in my life.

I'm now (age) years old and I think I finally know what it is.

I'm transsexual.

I just had to be. I feel so much better being a (girl/boy) than the other gender.

As I keep thinking about this, I wonder about telling my beloved girlfriend Jaehee, she's always been there for me and supportive. I love her, but I'm not sure about how she's going to react.

I'm so scared of her reacting in a bad way. I don't want to loose her. And at the same time, I didn't know how to bring it up to her. It was a complicated decision.

After a few hours of senselessly laying on the bed, unable to fall asleep and unable to muster the strength or willpower to get up, I came up with an idea.

I'm going to write a letter to Jaehee about the truth and give it to her on our next date.

I began to feel excited about that so I sprung out of bed and went to grab a sheet of paper and a pen.

I went over to the kitchen table and sat myself down.

I got the paper and began to write,

"Hey Jaehee,

     There's something important I want to tell you. This means a lot to me and I wanted to tell you"

This letter didn't seem good enough, so I ripped it up and began a new one.

"Dear Jaehee,

     We've been dating for a while now and it's time I tell you the truth about me, I want to tell you that I'm trans-"

I couldn't even finish that sentence as I crumpled up the paper and grabbed a blank one.

I sighed. This was harder. A lot harder than I thought. I want I to be perfect and I want it to contain all my feelings.

After many failed attempts to write this letter, I was finally somewhat satisfied with the one in my hands.

"Jaehee, I want you to know that I love you very much. I always have and will. There's something I need to tell you about. It's about me. I'm transsexual. I want to be a (girl/boy) and I hope you are able to accept me for who I am."

I looked it over practically a hundred times and wondered about how she'd react once she read it.

***Time Skip!***

It's been a day, and Jaehee got a day off and didn't have to babysit Elizabeth the 3rd for Jumin so we went on a date.

We went to our favourite place to get food. And as we talked and enjoyed our time together, time passed so fast and Jaehee had to get home to prepare for work tomorrow.

And that's when I slipped the letter in her purse.

***Time Skip!!***

As I was home, minutes later, I got a text from Jaehee.

Jaehee: "Hey, I read your letter"

It said as my heart dropped nervously, but before I could respond, I saw another notification.

Jaehee: "I love you too. And that means accepting you as yourself. I love you. I always will."

Jaehee: "I will support you, no matter what, I'll always be there."

Jaehee: "If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, I will be there and help you through anything"

I felt tears of happiness fall from my face onto the floor.

With the tears blurring my eyes, I accidentally tapped "call" when I meant to reply to Jaehee.

And she picked up immediately hearing me sob.

Jaehee's POV

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked worried. They sniffled "Y-yeah, I'm... just so happy... Jaehee!!" They exclaimed through sobs.

I smiled, relieved that they were okay. "I accept you for everything you are and want to be. I'll always be by your side, because I love you" I said

"I love you too!" I hear them cry out over the phone. 

"Would you like me to come over now and stay with you?" I asked.

I hear them sniff more in the background. "You can't! You have to work tomorrow."

And I scoffed. "Who cares about Jumin anyway?" I said. "I'll be there in 20 minutes"

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