Falling in Love with my brothers HOTT Jerkish best friend pt.5

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Okay so whats again i am soo terribly sorry but alot of bad stuff has been happening lately. but im all good now so im going to make sure i post at least three times a week if not more mmmk? :) well i have 24 fans!!!! i am so insanely happy :)




oh and could i please get 10 comments and like 10 votes before i upload again?:)


Once i got on the bus i looked towards the back and found my spot right next to Bergen and...unfortunately Kayden too. Well this is just great. I put in no effort to hide the disappointment of who i had to sit by on my face. "Hey Bell whats wrong with you", asked Bergen. "Well other than the fact that i have to sit next to", I paused and threw a dirty look towards Kayden who just rolled his eyes and laughed," this douche bag. Im fine". Bergen didnt really know what to say back so she just mouthed "Oh", and turned to listen to Kaylee who was going on about how her boy friend Ryan took her out to this really fancy restaraunt..blah blah blah. I didnt really feel like talking or listening so i reached in my bag , pulled out my Itouch, closed my eyes and listened to Mine by Taylor Swift.


Kaydens P~O~V!!!!! (YAY)

"Hey Bell whats wrong with you", I heard Bergen ask. "Well other than the fact that i have to sit next to", she paused and threw me a dirty look. I just rolled my eyes and laughed pretending i didnt care," this douche bag. Im fine", she continued. I watched Bergen mouth "Oh" to her and Bell quickly pulled out her iTouch. Damn, When she closed her eyes all of the little stress lines on her face disappeared and she looked so peaceful. This is the girl i fell in love with when we were little. The girl who fell off the swing, scraped her knee and came running to me to clean it up. I missed the happy, caring, loving Isabelle. The new one that showed up Freshman year was too cocky, too bitchy, and too....idk..different. But i still want to be with her. Because around me? at her house? she is the same. I stole another look at her. She really was beautiful. Her long blonde hair was spraled over here shoulders and her bangs that did their own little flip were pushed half way across her face. Her lips were slightly parted and her long eyelashes casted shadows on her cheeks. " Hey Kayden", said Cooper lightly punching me in the arm,"You alright bro"? I just nodded my head. Oh and as if it wasnt going to be hard enough to get Bell, her twin brother was my bestfriend, and everyone knows that dating your besties sister is the worst thing you could possibly do. Especially since Cooper had already told us he would beat the shit out of us if we even looked at her the wrong way. And yeah though he said it back in 8th grade no one dared asking him again because Cooper was huge, and ripped and you would not want to get rocked by him. "Kayden, could you do me a favor", i was startled to see that Bell's eyes were open and looking straight at me. Her eyes resembled green emeralds and they were shining with some hidden humor. She hand an angelic smile. A smile i would do anything for. "What do you need?" She looked down and then back up her eyes going from humor to surprise when i smiled. Not my cocky grin. But a real smile. The one i know she loves," Uhh", she shook her head and got the spark back,"Cany you please stop staring? Its really bothering me. Annoy someone else. I bet Lauren would love some attention from you". She got that cocky, smart ass tone in her voice, flipped her hair and winked. Yeah this rides going to be just peachy.


Sooooo is this good? I sure hope so i know its sort of short but im just getting into the story. Oh and im posting another story. that i personally think is ...AMAZING:) its called No way to find love ( Arranged marriage and teen pregnancy story)... the title is probably going to change but the story is hella good so im posting it aftere this you should read it.. Enjoy:)

Falling in Love with my brothers HOTT Jerkish best friend? (working title)Where stories live. Discover now