Wicked tongue.

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As always, everyone pays attention during first days of school.

It’s the kind of day where teachers pretend to be good and funny. It’s also the kind of day where no matter how long you were in that school, teachers are still gonna make you stand up, go to the front, and expect you to introduce yourself minus, of course the part where you say what your favourite color is, or what kind of animal would you be, and what is your preferred type of food. That's so lame.

Our chemistry teacher is named Mr Teasky and like his surname, his face is exotic. Remember the part I told you about teachers being nice during the first day of school? Scratch that. You know what Mr Teasky did today?

He tried to humiliate me in front of the class. 

Or at least that was his intention. Unfortunately for him tho, his plan was crushed because what he didn’t know is that I’m not the type of person who can easily get humiliated in front of everyone and just allow myself to be the source of teasing and embarassment.

Here's the story

As I enter the classroom, everyone was there already, busy taking notes, while the prof was already discussing and writing on the board. As usual, people turned and stared at me.

Seriously? What is it about late comers and me, particularly, getting attention by the whole class? Not to mention the look on their faces when they recognize it's me who was late. Stupid people.

        “What? It’s not the first time you all get to see someone arrived late.” I said dismissively.

They hurriedly look away while I make my way towards the back of the room where my friend Monique is sitting already.

A little trivia? Those students who sit in the front are the nerdy and the losers. The middle people are the so-so class. And those seated at the back like me? Well, let’s just say were the type of people who would rather text and gossip than listen and take notes in class.

I’m NOT saying that we’re lazy and spoiled, although that’s one way to describe us. We just happen to know the importance of being social and the advantage of interacting with people. I mean, who would want to listen to a grumpy old man whose tummy’s the size of a basketball ball?

        “Hey girl! What’s up? God, I miss you!” Monique said enthusiastically as I sit down beside her.

        “Oh my gosh! You look rejuvenated! I miss you more! I haven’t seen you in like almost a week!” I said to her. She really did seem to look fresh despite the weather being 42 degrees humid.

        “I know right! My mom made me go to India last week just to try this new yoga her friend is recommending. The signal there is so poor I can’t even access my Facebook and Twitter! I can practically feel myself dying slowly out of boredom.” She complained noisily while Mr Teasky was writing equations on the board.

Another trivia? I seldom study but for some unknown reason, I’m considered as one of the top 10 in class. I don’t know how I do it; all I know is that I read a lesson, take down notes, take the exam, and the next thing I know, people are congratulating me for a job well done. Huh.

Here’s the catch though. Whenever I don’t like the teacher and the way he discusses? I don’t listen for the rest of well, the semester. I believe that if he doesn’t execute well and explain the lesson, he doesn’t deserve my attention. Besides chemistry is hard already, why make it harder by listening to him rant and rant in that monotone voice of his? I’d rather talk to a person who pays me a hundred per cent attention. That’s why Monique and I don’t care if he hears us talking instead of taking notes because he doesn’t care either if we understand him. So, screw him.

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