Azure eyes.

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Monique and I are sitting in the lounges outside Cherry Merry eating our ice cream. We were just finished shopping and getting our nails done when Monique suddenly thought of a random topic to talk about.

        "Did you hear the latest news regarding Kirsten cheating on Robert?" She asked me while licking her spoon like a 6 year old.

        "Yeah! That is so insane considering she has Robert already as a boyfriend." I agreed with her.

        "And she's not only insane," I added as I was eating my triple-layered chocolate sundae.

        "She's stupid too. I mean, she hooked up with a 42 year old man who's face looks like a smurf."

        "I know right! What the heck. She's so dumb." Agreed Monique.

We ate in silence for a while, enjoying our dessert and the freedom of free cutting. We scan the crowd for any face that's interesting unfortunately, everyone's at their own school attending boring classes. No wonder, my radar's not pinging.

Some parents were looking at us in an odd way and at first we're confused as to why but then we realized that we were the only people in the mall wearing school uniforms that practically screams STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING SCHOOL! DON'T TOLERATE! Ha! Like we care.

        "So, any boys got your attention lately?" Monique asked me as she dip her spoon in her oreo and cheese sundae.

        "Well, you know me." I shrugged as I replied in a sing-song voice. "Always looking and finding no one.".

        "Nope. That's not the description I'm after. " She object. "More like, you always find good looking, hot, and adorable boys BUT, you just don't wanna get involved with them."

        "Wrong" I retorted pointing my spoon full of chocolate goodness at her but deep inside, I know it's true.

My boy radar always pings and as I said before, once it detected a person, it's never wrong but I don't pay that much attention to it. It'll all end up with me being hurt and devastated.

As if I'm gonna wait for that to happen, 


One heartbreak during my early childhood days is enough for me thank you very much.

        "Sophie," She called my name in an exasperated tone. 

        "I practically know you ever since we were still worshipping the spice girls and the backstreetboys. I know how many minutes you count while brushing your teeth and I know what color of underwear you are wearig today. You can't hide anything from me." She said proudly.

        "Sheesh! Do you really have to say that underwear thing?" I complained. Yes, I know I can't hide anything from her because we have been best friends since we were 6 year olds. I can't believe she survived being around me this whole time what with me being a bitch and a drama queen. I think she's not human. She agrees.

        "Yes, I have to. I know that you are currently wearing your Victoria's Secret aztec design underwear." Monique raised her eyebrows daring me to object.

        "Oh, shut up." I said in defeat while she grins in satisfaction. My mind suddenly went back to the day we bought these little pieces of female clothes.

We were shopping for random clothes when we spotted these cute little underwear in Victoria's Secret. I was so amazed by the designs and the hot pink color that I went inside to try it out.

You'll Never KnowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon