Ladies' essentials.

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- SIX -

After the warm welcome we just executed, the girls and I proceeded to sit in our table. I do feel a bit sad for those girls. I mean, we don't technically own this table or anything. We didn't buy this table and post stuffs like 'Restricted Area: For Populars Only' but as what Caleb had said, it's like people get used to us sitting here every day and as time goes by, this table became off-limits for them because sometimes we let the varsity teams and other popular kids join us so yeah, you know what I mean.

"Nice stunt you pulled back there girls" Caleb grinned at us.

"Yeah" agreed one of his teammate. "I wouldn't dream of being welcomed like that. I'd be embarrassed as hell."

"Me too. I'd be dying of humiliation if I was them." Laugh the other boys.

"But if I were to be scolded by you 4 goddesses," Caleb said in a flirtatious voice

"I would think that I died and went to heaven instead of dying in shame." He added with a wink.

"Eew!" the four of us replied while I throw a piece of fries at his face.

Typical boys. Always making fun of everything. Caleb and his friends are sitting with us so like the usual jocks that they are, they joke loudly and flirts with us.

Even with all their random food fights and messy eating, it's fun having them around because they make us laugh with all their silly jokes and stupid pick-up lines. There's no drama with boys that's why we love having Caleb and his friends around.

Not to mention that they're all attractive what with being varsities and athletes. Not only do they make us laugh and be silly, they're very pleasing to the eyes too.

All of us were catching up with each other and stuff when I noticed Travis looking slightly lost around the cafeteria from afar. I remembered that he was new here and he probably doesn't know that much people yet so I stand up and called his name. Now I don't need to stand but since I can hear the girls in the cafeteria giggling his name, I knew that he'll recognize me if I stood up. When I got his attention and caught his eye, I gestured for him to sit with us and he proceeded to walk towards out table.

"May I join you?" He asked politely.

"Of course!" I told him as I make a space beside me for him to sit on to.

"Hey everyone! I want you all to meet my new friend Travis. He just transferred here from London." I announced brightly.

"Uhh, hello." Travis smiled at everyone in greeting.

"Well, hello there mate!" Caleb boomed loudly imitating a British accent.

Everyone in the table including Travis, laughed at his poor imitation of his accent. My best friend really is an idiot sometimes. Caleb stands up and does the man-shake-hand-pump-fist-thing with Travis and from because of that, I knew that Travis will get along well with the boys.

As he introduced Travis to his friends, I smiled warmly at Caleb mentally thanking him for the warm welcome. Understanding what I meant, he simply smiled and mouthed 'Coke' in return. Ugh! No wonder he's so nice! He's still expecting the Coke I owe him.  I just shook my head in defeat. What a great friend to have indeed.

After Caleb and his friends shook hands with him, Travis sat down beside me and I introduced him to Megan, Monique, and Britney. The girls look at me knowingly and I rolled my eyes at them. We all have the same track of mind and I knew that they find him attractive too based on the appreciative looks they're throwing at him.

"So, you're the new hot guy everyone's talking about?" Monique said as a statement rather than a question.

"Well, I can't agree on the hot part but I am the new guy." Travis replied as I saw his cheeks glow a faint pink in being called 'hot'. So adorable!

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