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"What happened."
"Hoseok where's your phone."
He began to search his pockets but found nothing.
"I must have left it in the office. Why?"
"Your mom.."
"What's wrong with my mom!?"
"..she's in the hospital.."
"..they-they told me she had a heart attack and-and they don't know if she's make it through tonight."
"No, no, no. We have to leave."
I nodded.
"I'll pack our clothes, you call the airline."
Hoseok was sobbing uncontrollably. I got us tickets to New York and we left. At the airport Hoseok couldn't control himself. He kept walked up and down the hall way until we finally boarded the plane. As soon as we landed and grabed our bag we took a taxi straight to the hospital. Once we were told in what room she was in we ran to her room. When Hoseok saw his mother laying on the bed plugged into countless machines he fell to his knees beside her bed and cried. Seeing him like this broke me in every sense. I got on my knees besides him and hugged him.
"Why Yoongi, why?"
He hugged my back and cried on my shoulder.
"I don't know.."
A doctor came into the room and made us step outside.
"Tell me the truth.. is she going to be okay?"
The doctor sighed.
"There's not a high chance.."
Hoseok hugged me.
"Its okay babe."
We sat down in the waiting room area. After many long hours Hoseok finally fell asleep on my shoulder.


"Mr. Jung"
Hoseok quickly stood up.
"I have bad news.. She didn't make it. I'm sorry."
Hoseok couldn't hold back all that he was feeling, he just let everything out.
"I'm so sorry."
I said as I hugged him tight. We stood there. Together.

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