7: So Much Is Ruined

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A/N: 2.43k views and 173 votes? Thank you guys so much!

Shout out to Trekkiehood for dedicating a chapter of their amazing fic 'different kinds of torture' to me, inspired by this fic, go check that out if you need something to read!!

Hydration game: take a sip every time I find another way to say their voice is not normal or that someone makes a sound of pain. You'll need a new drink by the end *sighs*

I am more sorry than Tony is right now for updating so late, a lot of stuff came up, it had to be rewritten because it got lost, and.. well, life. Could have been earlier today but I only had time to update on ao3 before I had to leave... But these excuses are wasting your time so, enjoy!!

Tony must have passed out from fatigue at some point because he wakes up to a dull headache and stinging wrists.

He glances down to see little cuts, tiny little scratches, around his wrists like odd bracelets.

After analysing them and coming up with nothing that could be a cause - other than handcuffs, which doesn't make sense to him - he looks up to see Peter squinting at him with a hope that fades as soon as their eyes meet.

"Pete? What- argh, I'm- ah, I'm sorry..." He trails off, blinking.

"Let me guess, you're dizzy?" Peter asks, his voice tired.

It's only then that Tony notices Peter's tears are gone, as are the spiders that were littered at his feet. He frowns. "How long was I out?"

Peter grits his teeth, exhaling shakily. "Not long," he mutters eventually, clearly lying.

Tony knows he has to choose his words carefully but he can't decide why he should be careful, there's just something about Peter's expression that tells him something is wrong, something has happened that he's not aware of, so he goes with: "Where did the spiders go?"

Bad question.

Immediately, his son's hesitant smile morphs into a complete frown and Tony knows he's ruined his chance at keeping their hopes up even before Peter says: "You don't even remember that bit? Just great..."

He then mutters something about racoons and glasses but Tony's too busy evaluating the comment about his memory.

"Remember what bit?" Tony asks slowly, rolling the words over his tongue as if they're a poison aimed directly at his emotions.

Peter's gaze snaps up, his eyes mercifully still their natural colour, but he says nothing, biting his hip and curling his fingers as if he's in pain.

He doesn't get to say anything though, because, once again, someone walks in and interrupts them. It's Connor.

Thinking that he's here to give them their promised meal, Tony says nothing as he approaches.

But he just stands in front of Tony and takes something out of his pocket, a little black box no bigger than his thumb.

"That can't contain a very substantial meal," Tony says, nervous but trying not to show it.

Connor's smirk is the worst thing he's ever seen, full of a smug malice.

Tony resists the urge to flinch as Connor comes closer but shuts his eyes on instinct when he doesn't stop, his hands reaching for Tony's face. Nothing happens for a second so he opens his eyes again, instantly regretting it when Connor takes the opportunity to try and put something in his left eye.

He thrashes but it's pointless, he can feel the cold material settling over his eyes, he can feel the darkness threatening to take over his vision, and he can feel the pain that erupts as soon as Connor lets go of his eye and takes hold of the other one.

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