10: Langour And Love

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A/N: guys, i am so so so so sorry for being awol almost three months but literally everything got in the way of me posting this, you don't want to hear my drama so I'll just say thank you all for your lovely comments and enthusiasm, they genuinely made my day and inspired me!! i love you guys so much, i tried to make this chapter as fluffy as possible and a little longer than usual for you !!

ps. ignore the terribly basic title and pls be kind with pointing out typos, i just really wanted to get this posted !! (not that you had a choice oops but) thank you for waiting and sorry again, hope this anti-whump helps make up for it <3

More salt, more pepper, make the dishes even better.

That's the only thing that runs through Peter's head as he kneels beside Tony protectively, one of his hands clasped around Tony's and the other lifted to shield his eyes from the brightness.

The brightness that seems to have injured his- well, his... dad.

The brightness that seems to be in the shape of a person, a person in a suit, in a suit scarily similar to the iron man suit.

It takes him an awfully long time to figure out that the reason for that phrase running through his head is because he'd subconsciously tried to recognise the person standing above them.

He offers her a distressed smile. "Miss Potts?"

There's a pause and then a layered click, after which the mask retracts and familiar, concerned blue eyes come into view, looking over the two of them with horror and relief and anger.

"Just Pepper, Peter," she says, a smile fleetingly gracing her features.

Below him, Tony's hand twitches, his grip on Peter's fingers strengthening before becoming almost completely lax.

"Miss Potts, please, help him- he- please?" Peter manages, panic running through his veins as if it were a part of his biology.

He can't lose Mr Stark again, he can't, it might just kill him for certain this time. Without Mister Stark, he might have ticked one of their - whoever they really were - checkboxes and actually forgot what love felt like. But now he's absolutely certain Mister Stark would never, never allow that to happen.

"I'm going to help you both, okay? Just keep being brave for a little longer, Peter, I'm so proud of you for getting this far..."

She drops to one knee, gently lifting and propping Tony against herself, pushing his unkempt hair back with a soft, remorseful smile. "I'm going to fire him if he dies," she murmurs, planting the world's lightest kiss on his forehead.

Despite everything, Peter chuckles slightly, taking a deep breath and wincing when it brings about a dull ache.

Pepper glances at him sharply. "Hey, how do you feel?"

That throws him off. He'd expected the typical 'are you okay?' but of course, he should have expected that Pepper would know better than that.

"Like I could sleep for a month," Peter replies slowly, his eyes watering as he looks at Tony's alarmingly pale face again.

Nodding solemnly, Pepper positions her hands under Tony and gracefully stands up with him in her arms, bridal style, sending a loving smile to Peter. "Hold on."

"How?" he asks, a large part of him still fearful of orders and firm voices.

Pepper thinks for a second before offering him a small smile and nodding her head to the left. "Not to me, to him."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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