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You know what I do each day

You see my heart and it's wishes too

All my desires I know you knew

For your watching me behind the rainbow

I have been unfair in your part

Ignoring things from you that's truly last

Co'z I'm doing things in favor of me

Instead returning you everything for your glory

I admit I am a sinner and continue to do wrong

Yet, I'm not giving up in you I wanna return

I can't hide in you whatever I do

All those trouble I thought I could grow

I've learn so much in this journey

that's why in you I continue to pray

That you may teach me to follow your way

so when you return, in my soul have mercy

Lord God I am not your perfect creation

But wanted to do whatever my mission

To tell the world of your great love

Even if you are in the Father up above

No matter how this coming days challenge me

I'll face it with faith, I know your with me

to God be the glory...

POEMS OF LIFE, FAITH & LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now