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This must be God’s call

To awake us all

That this world won’t last

Let your worries may pass

Nobody can tell

Is it heaven or is it hell?

It’s not about the good works you've done

Co’z GOD already has better plan

Changes comes at hand

In this world that full of fun

Life is not about who’s the best

It’s not about putting your life at stake

We’re here not to be served

But to serve those in need

Jesus is our living sacrifice

Wake up now and open your eyes

Don’t let any calamities drag us down

Let God hold you in His palm

In His time you’ll see

He did these things to set us free

Free from our doubts and fears

that the end is getting near

He give signs when it comes

Trust in the Lord, all nations

POEMS OF LIFE, FAITH & LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now