Chapter four

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You sat down on the soft bed with a yawn.

"You tired already?"

"It's only 11 PM."

"College's starting tomorrow and all." You explained. Y'all had got a tour around the college and then up to your room.

You, Shawna and two other girls had got a room together. Y'all had kinda started to get along with each other.

It was a white girl with blonde hair down to her shoulders and big brown eyes with glasses, her name was Ida, and another girl with black curly hair and dark eyes with thick fucking lashes. Her name was Phoebe. Both were real baddies and seemed to have great personalities. 

"Can we take a coffee after school?"

"Yeah, I wanna explore town." Ida agreed as she turned off her phone to be more social. "I am so fucking excited for this; we're really gonna have a fun time here."

Phoebe nodded as she settled down under her sheets. "Yeah, ima sleep now, so y'all gotta be quiet, aight?"

"Yeah, I just gotta fix myself and then ima sleep, too."

You climbed under the covers as someone turned the lights off.

Okay, one period left. You had met this girl called Stella and she seemed pretty cool.
There were several other nice people you had talked to, but Stella and you really got along.

You went inside the classroom and settled down, paying attention to the teacher who collected some papers on the frontdesk.

"Welcome to your last class for today. Hope you all have had a great first day, we're hoping for you all to settle in and have fun, while working hard and reaching your goals." She explained and started her computer, preparing a movie.

Someone whispered your name and you turned your head over your shoulder. "Hm?" You then saw Diron sitting behind you.

"Oh, shit, hello." You greeted with a smile.

"Heya, (y/n). How's it goin'? You liking it so far?"

"Yeah, it's fucking great. The teachers are awesome."

"Yuh, agreed." Diron smiled in his cute way, pulling at one of his thick dreads. 

You smiled back and turned your head around again to see the screen start playing some colorful movie. 

Sitting on a bench outside the apartment-building, you pressed your phone to your ear, copying the notes that you were supposed to take under the movie on a pale yellow notepad. Shawna was slowly repeating herself as you quickly wrote it down.

"So, okay, I think that's it. You dumb not taking notes on the first fucking day."

"Thank you so so much. The bus is two blocks from here so ima start walking."

"See you!" 

You hung up and put the phone down a pocket, wandering toward the bus stop as you had promised. The asphalt under felt dry as fuck, even though the air was filled with the damp feeling of rain. Cars were rushing past you as you kept making your way downtown, walking fast to make it in time, different faces of both students and citizens passing by, crowding the streets.

You turned to another pavement, corrected the earphone as it was on its way to fell out, and hummed to the quiet sound of FEFE. This street was way emptier. You could now see the bus shelter.

Someone was resting against the outside of the big see-through box, only showing his back through the plastic walls. You went inside and settled down on the little bench inside of it. Took up your phone, the bus should be here any second now, according to the clock.

The rain soon started to quietly trickle the roof, barely visible to the eye. Another minute passed. This made you question the whole thing. What if the bus already had passed? Oh fuck. You glanced to the guy outside. He didn't look super tall, but around 10 centimeters taller than you tho. 

He had a hoodie, which you could see was put up around his head. He was holding a cigarette in his left hand a phone in his right one. Well, you were new around the city and had to get to know more people. Probably someone from the college.

"Hey, excuse me?" You mumbled from inside. The guy had probably not even noticed you at all. So you stood up, not really feeling too happy about sticking your head out in the now more aggressive rain.

"Hey, you?" You mumbled again, popping your head out from the side. The guy winced and gasped, quickly turning your way. You gasped as well, then swallowed quickly, still keeping your head stuck out with the rest of your body inside.

"Damn, you scared me n shit!" Ski Mask the Slump God exclaimed. This had led to him dropping his cigarette, but still keeping a tight hold of his phone.  "I had just lit that up."

"I-..." You didn't really find any words. "Fuck, I didn't-... uh, I was just gonna ask if you know if the bus has passed by all.. already.."

Ski Mask chuckled at your reaction. "You wanna take a picture or what?"

"Nah, fam, I just... Uh I really gotta get on that.. You know, bus and. Yeah. I need to. My friends are waiting and shit."

"You sure? That bus passed by like  a couple of seconds before you appeared." The rapper was wearing a black and white bandana under his grey hoodie. "Might be your only chance to get a pic of me."

"Oh fuck me. Fucking hell." You muttered, backing into the bus shelter again. "Fucking hell." You repeated.

Ski Mask shrug his shoulders as he stepped inside as well. "I'm just fucking with you. It's like 5 minutes late, so it should be here soon." You caught his eyes looking at you, up and down, so he quickly looked away with a slight smile.


"Yeah, it's late. It's here any time now."

"Oh, fuck you, man, that's so uncool."

He giggled in a cute way, stretching out a hand. "I'm Stokeley."

You raised an eyebrow, oh, so that's his real name. "Ah, I'm (y/n)." You replied, as you accepted his greeting and received his hand in a quick handshake. 

"So you a fan or not?"

"Well, I fuck with your music and all.."

"Damn, you ain't a fan? Oh, fuck off. You seemed pretty starstruck just a minute ago."

"Nah, nah, nah, I said, I fuck with your music and all, but I wouldn't show up to a concert."

"How can you say that? My shows are lit, bro. For real. They fya."

Ski Mask the Slump God x Reader | she gon stumbleWhere stories live. Discover now