Chapter five

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"Well, when's your next concert then?"

"Ionow. Lemme check."

"And there the bus is."

"Oh." Ski picked his bus card out but you pushed past him as the door opened. You stepped inside the bus, escaping the rain, but then realized that your fucking bag was gone. 

"Oh no."

"What." Ski asked behind you, getting quite inpatient to get inside. 

"Wait, I fucking left my bag in a fucking classroom." The bus driver looked a bit disturbed. "I fucking-"

"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to step out."


"This happens to me at least once a day. I'm unfortunately not a fool, miss." He snapped, pointing outside with a hairy finger. You frowned at it with disgust. "That direction."

You crossed your arms, fighting the urge to say "fuck you", but you bit your tongue. "Well, I can't-"

"Hey" Stokeley mumbled, and pushed past you, a bit more gentle than you had done before. "Luckily, I'm not broke. I'll pay for her, man." You snorted at his comment, but then slightly smiled, taking a seat in the back.

Then you noticed the rapper sitting down on the opposite side of the bus, looking at u as tho he was expecting something.

"Oh. Thank you, Stokeley. I did have my credit card.." You mumbled, picking up your phone.

"You're welcome." He replied, taking his up as well. "What was your name again?"

"(y/n)," you said with a slight sigh. You probably hadn't really realized what a big deal this was. This was so fucking... BIG. Fucking hell, you was sitting like a meter from fucking Ski Mask the Slump God. What the hell. You filmed a discrete video, which was around 3 seconds long, then sent it to Shawna.

"I'm actually not broke." You then mumbled.

Stokeley snorted in amusement, rolling his eyes. "So your bag is at school?"

"Yeah, this is my first day at college and all."

"Okay." He replied, not showing any interest. "You know you gonna have to pay back for that. I get that you broke n all-"

"I'm not broke!" 

Stokeley giggled, keeping eyecontact. "Whatever you say, (y/n). Anyway, that's good, then. You can pay me back."

"Get your dumb ass outta here-"

"Get your broke ass to a coffee shop with me."

This made you quiet for a second, then you rolled your eyes. "I'm... broke." You admitted with an uncertain giggle. "My mama pays for my clothes. I ain't got no money."

"Exactly. Obviously you didn't buy that shirt with your own money."

"Oh, fuck off. This shirt, I actually bought myself. I worked at a pizza place for three months."

"Oh, damn."

You nodded with a proud smile, lifting your eyebrows. "I actually got alot of money from that job. And I didn't do shit expect for taking orders." 

"So, you can pay for a coffee, right?"

"Okay, okay, whatever." You chuckled in defeat, crossing your arms. "But I'm booked today. Going to Espresso House with my friends."

Stokeley shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Nah, ma'am. You fucking scared the shit outta me, made me drop a cigarette, got me waiting outside in the rain, got me paying your damn ride and then barely thanked me. Bitch, I think I deserve a coffee." 

"Shit, I'm really mean." You said with a smile, shaking your head slightly. "Okay, fiiine." You had to give in to that cute-ass smile. Hopefully he didn't just want to fuck. But that was obviously his plans. Oh, no.

No one is getting inside of this pussy if they ain't familiar with the owner of it. pfft HA

Nah but for real, you didn't let strangers fuck you, oh hell no. You ain't one of those instagram hoes. You gulped and scratched your scalp, regretting this decision.

"But my friends will already be there.."

"At which one of em. There are two Espresso House."

"Or I'll just tell em that I lost my bag."

"Oh, okay."

You picked up your phone, opening Shawna's snap. She had responded to the video with "Is it a hottie or what, i couldn't see shit, you a bad filmer"

You replied with "I forgot my bag, I gotta get it, sorry, where you at?"

A quick respond, "Oh no!! We at Mendez, some coffee shop near the bus stop. You'll see it as quick as you jumped off, it's right at the stop, for real. We was too lazy to walk further, get here when you find it"

You turned it off again, facing Stokeley. "They at some Mendez shop instead."

"Cool, we'll just go to the more quieter Espresso House. It's smaller and at the outside of town. So we'll wait another bus stop and then jump off."

"Ah, okay, you know this city, hm?"

Stokeley nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. "I've got hella many friends here. Me and Smokepurpp used to hang out here. Smokepurpp- you know that guy, right?"

"He used to be around here? He never told me."

This just made Stokeley confused as fuck. He frowned in question.

"Ah, we childhood friends. Gazzy, Omar and I sometimes hang out."

Stokeley turned silent for a while. You raised an eyebrow in confusion, biting your lip. Did you say something wrong, or what? What. 

"We used to be real good friends when we was young." The bus drove by the Mendez shop, and you lost concentration of the conversation for a second. Then you turned back to Stokeley.

Stokeley still didn't reply until a couple of seconds. "So I was right, you one of em broke instagram hoes, right?"

".. Hm?" You just slighty shook your head, not understanding where this was going. "Oh, fuck, no, not like that, we just friends. Oh, fuck off. Fuck off, Stokeley."

Stokeley laughed quietly and rolled his eyes. "Oh, ahah, sorry then." He said, pressing the stop-button. "We going off here."

"Oh, cool.."

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