Chapter 29

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*Adri's POV*

"Hey guys, I'm here with everyone from the bus." I said, smiling into the webcam on my laptop. "And look, we have a surprise guest!"

I pointed over at Taylor Swift, who was seated in between Rissa and myself.

"Hi," she smiled, waving.

"I just wanted to update you all on my injury." Justin spoke up, looking down at his leg cast.

"It's broken, as you would have known by my tweets. I'll continue the tour, but no crazy stunts for me. I can't wait to see everyone soon."

I smiled, then picked up a notebook that I had wrote in this morning.

"So... I thought it would be fun if we all answered some questions." I said. "I asked people on twitter to send me some and I found some really good ones."

Everyone smiled, this was something they had already known I was going to do. Taylor had arrived this morning to visit Justin and we couldn't decide what to do for the day. A YouTube video is what we came up with. We were currently sitting on the couches, all faced towards my laptop.

"So... The first one is for Justin. @crazyforyou wants to know what your best memory from the tour is?"

"Definitely Chaz and Rissa's wedding," he said, looking over to them. "Fiji was beautiful."

I smiled, nodding.

"Okay, Chris, @lovelySimpson wants to know the funniest moment you've ever had with Justin."

Chris thought about it, then laughed. "Justin, do you remember when you knocked over all the food in an aisle at Walmart?"

Justin laughed, remembering the memory. "Ya, that was real funny until I had to pay for it all."

Chaz laughed.

"Okay, Sophia you're turn. @SophiaMonster2 wants to know if you're doing a clothing line and when it would come out."

Sophia smiled. "I've been thinking about doing my own line, but for now I think I might be doing one with Kylie and Kendall Jenner. Nothing is confirmed yet so I don't know dates but it's definitely being considered."

I saw Justin smile, obviously proud of his sister. This made me smile too.

"Chaz, you're up. @mightyBieber wants to know your first thought when Rissa came down the aisle."

"Honestly," he said, looking at Rissa and blushing a little. "I couldn't think anything at first, because she is so beautiful. But my first real thought that I remember was thinking about how I got so lucky to be marrying someone like her."

Rissa smiled, giving Chaz a quick kiss. Taylor aww'ed beside me.

"Okay, Rissa, @BelieberLoud wants to know how much you'll miss the tour."

"To be honest, the tour has been full of so many ups and downs, but I'll miss it so much. It's been so fun and I can't even imagine it being over."

I smiled, agreeing. I'll miss this tour so much.

"Ari, @timelesspast wants to know how the week you had with your mom was."

Ari smiled, remembering the time she had at home. "It was unreal. I had so much fun spending time with my mom and getting to know her again. The time meant the world to me, but I'm happy to be back."

"Okay, and last but not least, a question for our guest. @KayleeBieber wants to know when your next album is coming out, Taylor."

"Probably next year some time." Taylor said. "We're still recording the music but I'm super excited about the stuff we have and I can't wait to get it out to y'all."

I smiled, closing my notebook. "But Adri," Taylor said. "Isn't there a question for you?"

"Oh, no." I said, shaking my head. "I just looked for some for you guys."

"Okay... I'll make one up for you, Adri." Chris said, then thought for a moment. "What's your favourite memory of this tour?"

"Well..." I said, thinking. "We've went on some extravagant trips, and some amazing dates. But I think my favourite part of the summer was hanging out with all of you guys." I said, looking at all of my friends.

Rissa smiled, then hugged me.

I looked back at the webcam. "Okay, guys. Thanks for all the questions and I hoped you enjoyed this video. I'll see you soon but for now, bye!"

Some of the others waved at the screen as I turned off the recording, saving the video to edit later.


*Taylor Swift's POV*

"Thank you all for having me, now get ready for Justin Bieber!" I said into the mic, taking a sip of water from my bottle and walking off stage.

I had just opened for Justin and he was up next.

I waved at some of the dancers back stage who were warming up and walked over to where I saw Adri standing.

"Hey, girl." I said.

She smiled at me, looking up from her phone. "Hey, good job out there."

"Thanks," I said, tying my hair up into a bun.

"So, have you talked to Selena lately?" she asked.

"Yeah, I see her often, I guess." I told her. "The most we can see each other with our schedules."

She smiled, nodding.

"She talks about you and Justin a lot." I continued. "It's kinda weird."

Adri frowned. "Yeah, I don't talk to her lots."

"Well... I love you and Justin together, if that counts for anything." I told her, smiling at her.

She smiled back. "Thanks, Taylor."

I excused myself and walked towards the showers to freshen up. Before I was going to step into the shower I pulled out my phone, opening twitter.

@TaylorSwift: Great time opening for my friend @JustinBieber! I loved spending the day with you, @AdriTalbot, and everyone else!

@TaylorSwift now.. Back to the studio


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and are excited that I'm back to complete the book :) I've edited all the previous chapters and I'm really happy with how they've turned out. Next chapter is going to be full of drama so make sure you check it out when I update :)

5 more chapters left!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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