Private Lesson 1: Katsuki Bakugo

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"Well.. another day.. another class to teach.." Narina yawned as she got out of bed.. "Now.. gonna get out my lesson plans..."

"MORNING!" Bella poked her head out from the kitchen, a plate of pancakes in hand. "Ready for class today?"

"yeah.. after that whole hectic night though.. I could use some normalcy.." Narina muttered. "Jeez.. a villain from my world.. The UA teachers questioned me for hours.. so did those detectives.. I hope the rest of the class is okay.."

"I'm sure they'll be fine with some counsoling.. though to think.. Dread Knight.. the brother of Fell knight.. he was a big deal villain back in the day.." said Bella. "According to my data banks he disappeared after Mighty Man  took down Dread Commander for the last time.. near the 21st century.. or the end of it anyways..  I didn't think Shocker Girl was involved in that issue though.. Dread Knight wasn't all that powerful compared to most of the super huge villains of that golden age era.. but.. he was dangerous.. and Fell Knight was probably the one person stronger than Dread Commander.."

"Dread Knight being in this world.. " Narina muttered. "And.. I think he mentioned a master.. what was the name of it?"

"Hmmmm.. I couldn't make it out.. my ear circuitry was recovering from all that super stupid yelling he did while we were on our way out of the rubble.." muttered Bella. "I will have to analyze all my systems today just to be sure.."

Narina yawned as she looked in the cabinet. "Let's see what this world's non existent me has to eat besides pancakes.. Lucky Charms.. Lucky Charms.. oh my gosh we have so much Lucky Charms.. 

"We can try this!" said Bella, taking out a box that said "All Might Flakes! They're HERE!"

"AAAAAGGGHHH..." Narina moaned, looking away. "Even his picture's grin is too bright to handle.. aaaaaggghhh.."

"Says there's a free toy! OH HERE IT IS!!" Bella took out a little All Might Action Figure that began to say in it's little speaker voice "I AM HERE IN SMALL CHEAP TOY FORM! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Just how does this guy live his daily life?" Narina muttered, her eye twitching.  "Does he go to the bathroom and just go..' I AM HERE TAKING A SHIT'! then go do his taxes and says, I AM HERE ACKNOWLEDGING MYSELF AS A LEGAL TAX PAYER... '

"Or maybe when he's asleep he yells in his sleep.. I AM HERE HAVING A DREAM THAT INVOLVES COUNTING SHEEP!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Bella said this in a replicated version of All Might's voice, having used her memory and voice change functions.

"Let's go.." Narina muttered, dressing in the school uniform and putting a piece of pancake into her mouth before opening the door..

However, the moment she opened the door, she immediately found herself staring at waves of Reporters..



"Everyone wants to know what your standing with the UA is Shock Therapy-san!"

News reporters of all types crowded in on Narina trying to force their way through her door. 

"OH CRAP BELLA IT'S STARTED AGAIN!!" Narina stammered as she struggled to push the reporters out. "Next thing you know it'll be fan service darumaka pillows with ME on them!!"


Narina managed to shut the door quickly, and she looked around. "Bella.. we're going to have to fight our way through.. which means.. 

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