❤️This Is Gospel❤️

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This is an AU where Beebo is Satan and Ryro is an angel!

Brendon walked down the street in his human form, glaring at anyone who's eyes rested on the man beside him for too long. Ryan looked over at Brendon as he glared at people, "Bren, chill. If they wanna stare they can stare." Ryan brushed the tip on his wings on Brendon's neck and Brendon sighed, "But you don't deserve to be looked at like that!" He motioned to a woman looking at Ryan in disgust. Ryan shrugged and spread his wings to the fullest, "But they do. Let them be." Ryan looked up at Brendon with pleading eyes. Brendon let out a small growl, "Fine..." Ryan smiled and gave a little skip as he walked down the street. Brendon grabbed Ryan's hand and turned back into his true form, smiling at all the people who looked at him in fear. Brendon stretched his own batlike wings to brush Ryan's angelic wings. Ryan smiled at Brendon knowing he changed so they could suffer together, a perfect hell on Earth. Brendon snarled at a man who was poking at his phone, eyes terrified. The man dropped his phone and speed walked away. "Nice. Thanks for doing this with me, I hate binding my wings." Brendon smiled down at Ryan, "Of course sunshine, I want you to be comfortable physically and emotionally." Ryan nodded gratefully and walked into a candy store suddenly, giggling. Brendon took the turn after him, "You do realize I can get you any of this whenever you want, right?" Ryan nodded as he looked around picking out various sweets, "I like feeling like a human sometimes. You could say it's a guilty pleasure." Ryan winked at Brendon and laughed. He ran off and Brendon waited at the door. Ryan ran back to him with armfuls of candy, "Can we get it!" Brendon chuckled and pulled out his wallet, "Sure." Brendon walked up to the cashier who stared at him in shock and handed her two-hundred dollars, "Keep the change." The cashier nodded in fear and stuffed it in the cash register. Brendon and Ryan walked home holding hands and brushing wings. As they arrived at their apartment Brendon opened the door and let Ryan in following after quickly. Ryan ran to their bed and flopped down throwing the candy on the bed before him. He then grabbed a sucker and unwrapped it sticking it in his mouth. He changed into his pajamas and walked out into the living room and engulfing Brendon in a giant hug, "Thanks for taking me out!" Brendon gave a weak smile, "Yeah." Ryan pulled away and looked at Brendon, concerned, "What's wrong baby?" Brendon frowned and let out a sigh, "I just don't like it when people bully you. It makes me depressed..." Ryan hugged Brendon tightly, "Don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me."
"But it bothers me! I don't like people hurting you, you're perfect."
Ryan sighed, "Bren, chill." Ryan pulled the sucker from his own mouth and stuck it in Brendon's. "Wha?" Ryan shook his head and took the sucker again throwing it in the trash. Ryan leaned up and gave him a kiss their lips sticking together slightly. Brendon kissed back and cried at the same time. Ryan pulled away and hugged him. Ryan pushed him down on the couch and rubbed his back as his fingers brushed through Bren's messy hair trying to calm him down, "It's okay." Brendon nodded and hugged Ryan tightly. "Thanks Ry."

That's all beauties! I know it's short as hell but I think it's cute.
I'll probably use these versions of them again some time.

Thnks fr rdng ~ DarlingPattycakes

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