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Frigga watched the girl as she read a book, the conversation they had was hours ago. And instead of talking things out, they both decided to procrastinate and read.

A book lay in the queens lap.

December looked up, sighing, "alright I can't take this Frigga. Just say what you need to say."

Frigga put the book beside her and asked, "do you plan on staying, December?"

"Should I?"

"Loki would appreciate your company, no matter what is going on between you right now." Frigga said, "I would also enjoy it. And you know how easy it would be to hide your presence from Heimdal or anyone else."

December frowned, and looked up, blowing strands of white hair out of her mouth, "but what about the problem that I'm half-Greek? That Greek's and Asgardians are sworn enemies?"

Frigga shook her head, "it matters not, as you said, we were you true home, not the Greeks. Your father was of Alfhiem, an ally of Asgard. And even then, I love you as my daughter, dear. It broke my heart when you were banished."

"Thank you, Frigga."

"I haven't done anything, dear. We'll have to create you a new life, it would be easier to hide you here then. What do you think of joining the guard, or something similar?"

December said, "I'm not sure Frigga, that's what I did last time I was here, or sort of. Maybe something more simplistic, like a maidservant? I would be hidden and out of the way?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, it would be nice to not have to fight, even for a little bit."

Queen Frigga nodded, and soon the process was on. As many had never noticed, December's ears were pointed, enough so that you could tell one of her parents were elven -Which her father was- thus Frigga easily wove a story that she was a bastard daughter of a lowly elf, who did not want her. And out of luck, the girl had been sold to the palace to work as a maidservant. 

December manipulated her features so that she would look like what she did when she was much younger, making herself look around fifteen in Midgardian age. She braided back her hair and changed into a simple dress the queen had provided.

Her new name was Ember Aegandottir.

Frigga took a step back to look at her masterpiece, she nodded satisfied, "good. There will be a servant-sorting in an hour or so, from there you will be given your occupation. I've added your name onto the database, now I'll lead you there-"

"Could I visit Loki before? I'll make sure I make it in time, for the sorting, I promise."

Queen Frigga sighed, "alright, but if you miss it, you've lost your chance. You know the way to the prisons. Make sure you create yourself a person to lead you to the sorting."

Platinum Blonde // L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now