The Night of All Nights (Harry Imagine)

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This imagine is for @radical.fand0ms on instagram - here you go, love.

My heart is pounding. My eyes are already watering. There's twenty minutes to go. I can't stand still. I reach out and feel the cold barricade in front of me, holding me back from jumping on to the pitch black stage.

The arena lights begin to dim. I want to scream with everyone else, but nothing is coming out of my mouth. I just stare up at the stage...waiting.

Can we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and then see what we find?

The stage lights up and my voice suddenly escapes my mouth as I scream. There he is, the man I have waited to see for 5 years now. My eyes are filled with tears and the stage becomes blurry. I reach up to flick the tear out of my eye, but instead reach towards him. I lean as hard as I can towards him as he belts out the words for Only Angel.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles. Thank you for coming to my show."

His accent fills my ears and I smile so big. I've been waiting to see him for months since I got the tickets. The night is finally here, and I know it'll be over before I know it, so I try and soak it in. I begin to sing along to all of the songs because I know every line without a doubt.

The music stops and Harry gently hands his guitar to the stage hands. He walks back to the mic stand and glances down towards his feet. I just look at him and smile as we make eye contact. I clench my fists to keep myself from screaming or crying.

"What's your name, love?" I freeze.

"Me?" I stutter.

"Yes, YOU," he laughs and points directly at you.


"Well, hello, K-K-Kyra. How are you doing tonight?"

"I'm ok-k-k-ay."

Harry smiles so big and leans down to the security guard. Every girl in the stadium is screaming so loud, but I tune them out. It's only me and Harry in the arena. I can't take my eyes off of him and he hasn't stopped looking at me, even while speaking with the security off stage.

I snap out of my alternate reality as the girl standing behind me shoves me into the barricade. I trip and fall, busting my chin. Security grabs my hand and pulls me away. I'm dragged down the back of the stage, and I think I'm in trouble. The man hasn't turned around to look at me or give my arm a break. My shoulder feels like it's going to pop out of its socket.

My hands start sweating and my legs feel like jello. Did he think I pushed her? Blood was trickling down my chin as we rush passed closed doors and backstage workers. All of the sudden, we stop. We turn into a room: tile floors, beige walls, quite bare. A woman walks out with a bandage and cloths to clean me up.

"I don't need a bandage, but thank you."

"Let me just clean you up, then, love," she speaks slowly in a British accent.

I'm still shaken up from what happens, but the guard comes over to sit next to me. I seem to remember, this is the same guard Harry was talking to after our encounter on stage. I stand up, pull my jean skirt down, my crop top up, and begin to walk out of the room. I glance in the mirror to see how bad the scrape is, but you can barely see it. I realize I've missed at least 20 minutes of the concert, and I'm super bummed.


I turn around to the security guard standing right behind me, pointing in the direction of the door, assuming to lead me out.

"Mr. Styles spoke with me about 15 minutes ago, I assume you saw." He walked slowly next to me passing the same closed doors from earlier.

"Yes, sir, I saw." I watched my feet as we walked, not wanting to make eye contact.

"He wants you back for the final song so you can join him on stage. You seem to feeling better from the fall. The decision is yours, however."

I stop dead in my tracks. Involuntarily, water rushes from my eyes, down my cheeks.

"W-What?" I chuckle a little under my breath, because why would he ask for me on stage?

"So, is that a yes?" He guides me around a corner we had never been before and starts to walk faster. I try and catch up to him, but I'm still several steps behind him.

"Um, I guess, what do I have to do?" I nervously shout. As we get closer to the stage, the crowd gets louder and I can barely hear myself think. My stomach begins to turn as the guard slows down at a door.

"He's going to meet you right here, okay? I have to go back to the front. Stage hands are back here if you have questions. Are you okay?"

I'm biting my lip and nervously shifting my weight. I nod, acknowledging the guard. He walks away quickly, making his way through the door and I lose sight of him. It goes quiet for a little bit as I stand and calm myself down. Then I realize, there's no music.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs towards the stage door.

The biggest smile and most genuine voice walks through the door and my heart jumps out of my chest.

"KYRA! I'm so glad you agreed to see me. I want to make this song the best one all tour. Can you help me?" Harry is running around underneath the stage, grabbing water and towels, trying to cool down.

I nod, trying to become enthusiastic, but my idol is standing right in front of me, it's a bit hard. I feel his large hand grab mine as we make our way up the stairs.

"Okay, stay here for a minute, I'm going to introduce you." I laugh nervously and sit down on the stairs. What if they hate me? I don't even know what to do on stage? All of these questions were rushing through my mind but I didn't have long to ponder them as a stage hand opened the door to the stage and shoved me out. All I could see was white light as I walked past the band. I was mesmerized by Harry's row of guitars next to the stage. I looked up just as he turned around, holding his hand out to me, the smile on his face could create world peace.

I gently grabbed his hand and walked to the edge of the stage. I looked up at him, smiling so big. This was the best night of my life, no doubt. I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes laughing as the music came on to the popular rock song, Kiwi.

Just as the music started, Harry turned around to do his famous dance moves, but instead grabbed me around the waist and whispered...

"After this song, we are running to the bus together."

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

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