Lotoura vs Shallura

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Allura woke up the next day to see both Lotour and Shiro fighting. They where fighting about HER. Allura walked strait past them they dint notice at all. "Haven't I told yah Alluras MY girlfriend" roared Shiro. "How much did you pay her" snapped Lotour. Shiro went for him Keith grabbed him at just the right time "let me go I kill him with my bare hands" yelled Shiro. "Look Shirogane me and Allura are dating and there's nothing you can do about it" said Lotour. "No where not" said Allura confused. "Lotour I'm the one who asked her out and guess what she said yes" snapped Shiro. Shiro managed to brake free. But Allura stopped Shiro right before he could hurt Lotour. "Babe what's going on" said Allura  "Allura I love you" said Lotour. "I love you more" said Shiro. The white lion came in the captions Cavan. The first thing he saw was Allura being surrounded by the two boys. White thought that she was being attacked so he jumped into the circle and defended her. "White there not trying to hurt me" said Allura trying to calm him down. White was eyeing Shiro. "Why is he looking at me like that" stammered Shiro. Allura ran to the other side of the room the lion followed her still eyeing Shiro. Shiro and Lotour stopped fighting. The white lion looked at them and walked off. Later Coran came across a new galaxy one of the planet's there was called Anubis. "Isn't Anubis one off the Egyptian gods" said Keith. "This place looks hundreds even thousands years old" said Shiro. The castle landed in the middle of a forstrie. All of them got out. A cult was practising for a ceramonie when they noticed them. The cult looked at each other. "Stand down" yelled a man. "Who are u" yelled Shiro. "We are the macusala" said the cult in a high pitched squeal. "I'm SagaNash the leader off the macusala" he said. There was a boy on the rack who was getting disectead he had no top on battle marks everywhere and wings. "Who is that" yelled Keith. "This is China Crystal on of the last exiss alive he fights alongs The Elite Force, Olly Lee and Yui Kiro. China managed to brake free. A 17-year-old Girl who was wearing a dimiond tiara and golden brown and black long dreese came out to see them. "SagaNash what are u doing" she yelled. "OH JOYCE" he yelled evil filling up in his voice. "I KNOW YOU HAVE THE CORANITE HAND IT OVER" Shiro and Keith souroundeded her. Joy took the Coranite out of the pocket. The white lion was sleeping in Alluras room. The white lion opened up his eyes. He went to the captions Cavan but he could only see Shiro and Keith guarding Joy and the palidions being souroundeded by the Macusala. The white lion ran outside. He jumped in front of Allura taking a bullet to the head. The Anubis Jackleans arrived. They shoved Shiro and Keith out of the way. "What are u doing" said Shiro. "Where protecting your leader" "Will take it from here"  said Jacklean "you boys need to protect yourself" Shiro put his shield over Allura. Lotour went over to her and attacked the soldiers aiming for her. "Jackleans protect them" called Joy. The Jackleans ran over to them. Joy blocked the acrows and blulets by using her basards. She hook punched a member threw one to a tree and slammed the next one up against the wall. "So who wants to mess with me now" said Joy wipping the blood of her knife."jezz" said Lotour. "Thank you" said Shiro awkwardly. "Where normally supposed to be saving her but she saved us" mutterd Lance. Joy looked back China was on the rack. Joy ran over to him and pulled the rag out of his mouth. She cut the chains off the rack. Joy grabbed him and put him over her shoulder. "Will one off yea help me" said Joy. "I will" said both Lotour and Shiro. "Thank you" said Joy. Shiro grabbed China by the legs and Lotour grabbed him by the head. Joy placed him on her dragon Hookfang. Joy grabbed Hookfang by the rains and took him back to the palidions. "Thank you very much" said Joy. "You are welcome to come back to Anubis anytime you like" they all came on board the castle. Shiro gave Lotour the dirty look. Lotour walked away from him. "Allura" said Shiro. "Yeah" said Allura. "Nothing" said Shiro. Allura entered the captions Cavan Keith was the only one there. "Keith do you think Shiro still likes me" said Allura. "Off course he does" said Keith. Shiro was outside the door "I'm not sure I feel like I should break up with him". "If you guys break up" said Keith "I want to say" Shiro interrupted them "Allura you want to break up with me"

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