First night

46 11 2

Nina was woken up by a the sudden heat from sun rays peering through the windows.
Someone had opened the curtains.

"Ah,  who could that be? I'm still sleepy.", she mumbled, turning away from the sun.

"Wake up dummy.", Erica said as she jumped on the bed.  She got a pillow and started hitting Nina.

"Get up. Get up, lazy bones."

"Lazy what!" Nina shot her head out if the duvet.
"Who's lazier than you?", she snorted.

"I don't know. You?" Erica shrugged.
She was reminded of the pillow in her hands when she felt the weight of it after the shrug.

She went ahead with the pillow fight.
"Get up. We need to get  downstairs."

Nina managed to sit her body up and looked at Erica with eyes full of furry.

"You think you can do that better than me. Huh!", she shouted.

"Payback time", Nina said as she stood on the bed and gave Erica a taste of her own medicine.

And then, the pillow fight started all over again.

"Ouch. That hurt.", Erica howled, picking herself from the  floor. The blow had sent her falling on her back.

Dear God!

The words ran through Nina's mind as she stared at the girl who had fallen on the floor.

Nina got down from the bed to help Erica to her feet again.

"I'm sorry babe.  I'm so sorry Erica.", she apologized.

"It's alright. I'm fine. You're just one lucky bitch. I don't have a scratch on my body. 
Otherwise you would have face the man of this house.", Erica snapped.

"Oh my. I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry Na. I'm kidding.", Erica said,  in a much calmer tone this time.

"Anyway. Why was I here in the first place?", she said putting her hand on her chin in thought.

"Yep! Breakfast. Go and wash up. Breakfast is ready." She managed to recall.

"Isn't there someone supposed to do that, other than you. I mean like....
Waking me up ..... ", Nina said as she moved her hands in the air to clarify more about what she was saying.

"Oh!  You mean Cossy? She went out to buy groceries. So, it was just me.", she said.
"You don't expect my parents to wake you up of course."

"Alright let me take a quick shower. I will be down in a minute.", Nina said as she searched for her brand new towel from her suitcase.

"Okay.  I'll wait for you. My parents are not yet down either so....
Take your time.", Erica said over her shoulder as she proceeded out of the room.

"Whoosh. I survived that.", she exhaled deeply.

What if she had gotten bruises? What would Mr. Woods have said?

She closed her eyes, horrified at the thoughts. She thanked God that the thoughts in her mind never came to pass.

She headed for the bathroom after locating her towel . On reaching the room.  She wondered why she had stressed looking for the towel.

The bathroom had everything she needed for a smooth and comfortable bath. There were sandals,  two towels, and  all toiletries anyone could need.

"I won't need this anymore." She took a few steps back and threw the towel on the bed.

She looked in the mirror as she tied her hair into a bun.
She picked the shower gel in her hands moved to the tub. 
The gel slipped as she opened the tap and something caught her attention.

There was a very beautiful woman with her eyes closed and her hands covering her boobs, water from a shower falling over her body.

The picture had been taken up to her waist. The manufacturers had been careful enough not to show her entire nude body.

See how sexy she looks. I wish my body was equally beautiful.

"Wait, this woman looks familiar.", she said after recognising the figure on the gel.

Her face creased as she tried to remember where she had seen the woman in the picture.
"Where did I see this face? I'm sure I've seen this woman before." She scratched her head, agonised  by the failure to recall.

"Ahh.  She's the same woman from one of the movies we watched last night.", Nina mumbled, after minutes of thinking hard.
She smiled at herself, satisfied that she had been able to remember.

Nina and Erica had spent the previous night watching movies.
Erica's parents had gone to bed early and so the girls had remained with the living room all to themselves.

"What shall we watch? Horror, a high school love story or a romantic movie?", Erica had said as she searched through the piles of discs.

"Romantic movie baby." That had been Nina's enthusiastic reply.

The two best friends had watched a number of romantic movies till their eyes had been too heavy to stay open.

"I guess that's why she's here too.  She's not afraid to show her body.", Nina said as her head went up and down in sequential nods.

She had been amazed by how good the woman was at portraying love making.
Nina was not going to forget those scenes anytime soon. 

"Lemme shower. I'm late for breakfast already." She stopped her scrutiny at the instant.

Nina stepped into the warm water in the tub and went ahead to wash up.
She did not take long as she had already wasted time scrutinizing the woman on the gel.

She dressed up and went downstairs. She found Erica watching TV. She was too taken by the story on the screen to notice Nina approaching.

There was a picture of a handsome young man on TV. It looked like a sports show. The young man was being praised for leading his basketball team to winning the National college basketball championship.

He's handsome.  Nina thought.

But I'm not moved. She shrugged.

"Hey. What are you watching?", she asked, oblivious of what the whole show was about.

Erica looked at Nina for a second and them returned her focus to the television.
"It's Tom, my big brother. His team won the championship. He's the basketball captain of his college."

"Wow! That's amazing."

"No.  It's fantastic.", Erica added.  "Tom has always been a winner.  He has tens of trophies and hundreds of medals in his room.  He's been playing since junior high."

"Oh how I adore him." The latter murmured.

"You must be proud of him.", Nina said with a grin.

"No doubt about that."

"Ladies." The voice that came from behind forced both girls to turn around and look.

Mrs. Woods was standing at the foot of the stairs and her husband two steps behind her.

Erica was the first to speak.
"Morning mother.", she said as she moved towards her. She gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She did the same with her father.

"You must be Nina.", Mrs. Woods said as she took steps towards her.

"Yes ma'am. That's me."

"We're glad to host you for the holiday. Feel at home. ", she said and kissed the girl on the cheek.  Nina returned the greeting.

Wow. She's nice. I didn't expect her to be this sweet. She thought and then spoke.

"Thank you ma'am. It's such a blessing to be here.", she said with a shy smile.

"Ahh,  don't mention it." Mrs. Woods insisted.

"Let's all go for breakfast. I'm starving.", Mrs. Woods yawned as she moved towards the dining table.

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