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The pain still agonisingly throbbed as I woke up after..... How long? I'm unsure. But what I did know was that I was out of the hospital. The lack of white revealing that for me. Did they finally ... No. He is gone. Left me. I'm not good enough.
The white walls were replaced with worn down stones that made up the dimly lit room. Dripping from the ceiling was the rain water that obviously seeped into the cracks of the old building, gradually eroding it as it did so. There was no other sound except for the soothing symphony of dripping combined with some sort of metals softly clashing together in the wind and the buzz from a naked bulb in the ceiling. Looking around in confused bewilderment, I puzzled as to how and why I was here? A sudden cough brought me from my thoughts.
A familiar red head stood cockily smirking down at me.
" Long time no see, Bella we have a LOT of catching up to do. A mate for a mate. Right?" Victoria smirked. A sigh to my right alerted me to another presence. We were not alone .... yet. Standing awkwardly in the corner was an unfamiliar, brown-haired vampire. The obvious owner of the posh loafers that came to 'save' me. Crimson eyes met mine as he mouthed a short apology before flashing out of the room. Another who has left me. Left me to the pain. Of loss and from infliction.
After a few days with Victoria I found myself wishing to go back to the hospital if it meant I could escape her. A non-existent need for sleep dragged the torture painfully over longer lengths of time. A increased strength made blows increasingly harder. A whole load of experience to aid her in the most horrific methods.
Blades sliced. Whips slashed. Flames scalded.
Blood lost. Scars littered. Cuts lacerated.
Bones broke. Fists battered. Body bruised.
Not one part of me was left untouched from pain. Unimaginable pain. I revelled in the fact that each session of torture made death knock louder on my door. He's gone.
" WHERE IS HE!!! THEY ARE MEANT TO BE HERE RIGHT NOW. To rescue their little human. WHERE ARE THEY!" Victoria wailed at me after a particularly brutal beating. I could barely see or hear her as my vision was clouded and my ears ringing from the previous session. Blood pooled around my broken body.
" Th..they left. D..ddon't want Please. Kill me," I managed to wheeze out.
"WHAT! they left. Well that's ruined everything hmmm. Killing you would be too kind. I'm not known for my kindness," she sneered unsympathetically. No. Alone. He is gone. Gone. " Oh I know. A little change of plans, Bella. If I have to live with the agony of losing my mate then YOU will too,". No. Alone. Forever. He is gone. Gone. Forever. Smiling, she bit into my skin like teeth going through air. I screamed. I can't stay like this forever. Death was my only way out; Victoria blocked the only way to escape the hole in my future unbeating heart. Taking my screams as pain from the change she began biting my skin repeatedly- leaving a reminder behind for the rest of eternity.
The fire that slowly and painfully leaked into my body held nothing to the pain of losing my reason for living- Edward. I held into those hurtful memories of us together like a lifeline, refusing to forget even the pain.
As the fire felt like a minor scalding burn to me I was able to feel each and every thing the venom did as it worked it magic. I felt my hair flow into beautiful, dark brown curls that cascaded perfectly down my back. Felt my lips become fuller and my lashes longer and thicker. I grew two inches in height and was sculpted into a woman as curves began to form tastefully. Also I felt skin and bones fuse back to together- erasing most reminders of the torture I went through. The only reminders now being the multiple bite marks Victoria gave me.
Thankfully, I was also able to count as the days passed but was shocked when the third day passed with no let up on the little burn I did have.
And the fourth day.
As the tenth day came to an end I finally felt the burn fade from my fingers. Dust particles danced over my head as my heart sped up. Then abruptly stopped. Signalling the start of forever. I was officially dead, or undead, forever. Eternally alone.
Lost ..forever ?
Hello! I would HUGELY appreciate any comments whether they be good or bad. I will try to respond to all. There's nothing like a bit of constructive criticism.
And please do remember that if you liked this chapter please give it a vote. They make me happy. 😄😃😀😊☺
Lots of love, 💛💙💖💜💚
Blazion. xXx 👋

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